ufw-runit acting strange 23 May 2023, 00:29:10 Hello, does anyone has issues with latest version of ufw? Lots of things looks new in etc/ufw/applications and some other files. Looks like there's a conflict between runit and ufw. When I check ufw status gives some strange errors. EDIT1: errors looks like this ERROR: problem running ufw-initiptables-restore: line 33 failedProblem loading ipv6 (skipping)Problem running '/etc/ufw/user.rules' Reinstalled both ufw-runit and iptables but without solving anything. Now I have to disable ufw to have internet connection. Think only @qontinuum can fix this as it might be an runit ufw iptables problem. Anyone has issues when trying # ufw status command? Last Edit: 23 May 2023, 08:19:47 by Surf3r
Re: ufw-runit acting strange Reply #1 – 23 May 2023, 14:53:57 In the meantime I've removed ufw till it's settled somehow that upgrade.. Returned to the good old pal iptables briefly or not.