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Repository changes

Following the related Arch migration announcement, our repository structure has changed accordingly. The [gremlins] repository has split into [system-gremlins] and [world-gremlins]; likewise, the [goblins] repository has split into [system-goblins] and [world-goblins]. The [galaxy] repository is in the process of merging into [world].

How are end users affected?
Those who don't use testing ([-gremlins]) and staging ([-goblins]) repositories won't see any difference; those who do, will have to enable [system-gremlins] and [world-gremlins] manually. The updated /etc/pacman.conf will roll out of [system-gremlins] once our new layout and updated developer tools are sufficiently tested.

The unused repositories will remain active, but empty, until the transition is complete. In general, most users shouldn't notice much except for a short period of diminished updates, as packaging has frozen for the duration of the migration. Please report any issues at our forum.

Re: Repository changes

Reply #1
sample pacmand.conf file?

Re: Repository changes

Reply #5
pacman depends on artix-mirrorlist
Which contains /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Re: Repository changes

Reply #6
pacman depends on artix-mirrorlist
Which contains /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

It is updated on the fly, right?  How does it know where to upload it from?  Does it need to be done by hand?

Re: Repository changes

Reply #8
i noticed yesterday that i was having 404 error when doing a pacman -Syu, on the galaxy repo
i've had a look on several mirrors inluding mine, and saw that the galaxy folder was completely deleted with all its content.
so i commented the 2 galaxy lines in my pacman.conf ;)

Re: Repository changes

Reply #9
We are in the process of merging the universe in galaxy, ie we gonna drop universe which becomes galaxy.
That said, galaxy repos likely become optional in pacman.conf, disabled by default.

Re: Repository changes

Reply #10
ok, thanks for the update ;)

Re: Repository changes

Reply #11

 So now we can officially delete Universe repo?

Re: Repository changes

Reply #12
i noticed yesterday that i was having 404 error when doing a pacman -Syu, on the galaxy repo
We are in the process of merging the universe in galaxy
But why then the _galaxy_ repository does give errors 404, when the _universe_ repository is the one to be dropped?
I have those issues with galaxy too:
pacman -Sy:
Code: [Select]
error: failed retrieving file 'galaxy.db' from : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'galaxy.db' from : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'galaxy.db' from : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'galaxy.db' from : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'galaxy.db' from : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'galaxy.db' from : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'galaxy.db' from : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'galaxy.db' from : SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ''

So now we can officially delete Universe repo?
I still get packages listed by pacman -Sl universe. So I suspect that it should be removed from /etc/pacman.conf only after announcement or when universe is empty.

Re: Repository changes

Reply #13
Same here today:

Code: [Select]
error: failed retrieving file 'galaxy.db' from : The requested URL returned error: 404

Also this:

Code: [Select]
warning: ungoogled-chromium: local (116.0.5845.110-1) is newer than galaxy (116.0.5845.97-1)

Re: Repository changes

Reply #14
Also here some problems.

Most of the problems reported are due to the different sync times of various mirrors around the world, so they are probably harmless, until the whole migration will be done.

In fact if you check in:

You will find many packages listed in Galaxy and Universe with same name and probably version (I have checked in the last hour)

However from some other thread in this forum, probably:

- galaxy will become optional but will contain  most of packages that was used to be in universe.

- Universe, probably (it is being discussed) will contain packages than was used to be in Omniverse, that will be dismissed.
Edit: see further down this thread...

But this is a resume from some other posts from developer I've read when I have experienced same errors about galaxy.db


Carlo D.

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