[SOLVED] error: failed to synchronize all databases (unexpected error) 31 May 2023, 03:32:40 I run: #sudo pacman -SyuI get Quoteerror: failed retrieving file 'universe.db' from mirror1.artixlinux.org : Resolving timed outafter 10000 millisecondserror: failed retrieving file 'omniverse.db' from omniverse.artixlinux.org : Resolving timed out after 15010 millisecondsAlso tried -syyuAny ideas? My searching keeps coming up with Manjaro solutions that want me to use pacman-mirrors program, which I don't have Last Edit: 12 June 2023, 20:09:45 by Hitman
Re: error: failed to synchronize all databases (unexpected error) Reply #1 – 31 May 2023, 06:12:04 Sometimes a server is temporarily unavailable.In this case, I only disable in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist (place a # at the beginning of the line).
Re: error: failed to synchronize all databases (unexpected error) Reply #2 – 12 June 2023, 17:05:36 The solution was shamefully simple: editing the mirrorlist filess was not working, but all I had to do was go into the pacman.conf and comment the broken mirrors out in there. 1 Likes