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Topic: Barrier, a free fork of Synergy! (Read 6010 times) previous topic - next topic
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Barrier, a free fork of Synergy!

Hey guys, so I hear that if I compile synergy from source-code that I can actually use it for free & won't get bombarded with warnings about "buy it now" & such?
I wanna compile it from source-code but I'm stuck & confused, sudo make install doesn't work...

So there's the executable synergy-core, synergys & synergyc, and some other stuff in the bin folder, but I don't understand how this is supposed to work... what happened to the front-end? How do I make the front-end work? Does anyone know?

I can't use it without the front-end, it tells me theres no config file but doesn't tell me WHERE that config file should go.... like... ????

It also tells me something about a version string in cmake, saying I need to specify it, but IDK how & there's no documentation on that either!  -_-  why is it so hard for these people to make proper documentation on their software? It seems like they are purposely making this difficult to get people to buy their software, really not cool to make people pay for open-source software imo, its one thing to charge money for a subscription for support, but this is just nonsense.

Re: How to compile Synergy?

Reply #1
I ended up finding the program "Barrier" which is a super cool free fork of synergy! I noticed something though, if you build it with
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release  in cmake, it won't save the configuration right, I think that is how Synergy made it work, so that cmake build flag MUST be left out, this is my PKGBUILD I crafted for barrier - I took notes from the barrier AUR pkgbuild.

Code: [Select]

pkgdesc="Open-source KVM software based on Synergy"
depends=('curl' 'libx11' 'libxrandr' 'libxext' 'libxinerama' 'xorgproto' 'libxtst' 'libxi' 'avahi' 'libsm' 'libice'
'openssl' 'qt5-base' 'hicolor-icon-theme')

build() {
    mkdir barrier/build
    cd barrier/build

make -j7

package() {
    # Install binaries:
    cd barrier/build
    DESTDIR="${pkgdir?}" make install

    # Install the license:
    cd ..
    install -m 644 -D LICENSE "${pkgdir?}/usr/share/licenses/barrier/LICENSE"

    # Install the manpages:
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir?}/usr/share/man/man1"
    install -m 644 doc/*.1 "${pkgdir?}/usr/share/man/man1"

    # Install the examples:
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir?}/usr/share/doc/barrier"
    install -m 644 doc/barrier.conf* "${pkgdir?}/usr/share/doc/barrier"

Barrier is made to work with versions that do not match it unlike synergy, at least from what I understand, so if a different PC you have has a different version of Barrier it should still work - - if different versions aren't working then report it to the github page: