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Topic: Can not use ibus-rime well(globally) in Artix (Read 537 times) previous topic - next topic
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Can not use ibus-rime well(globally) in Artix

Can not use ibus-rime well(globally) in Artix

I installed Artix, but ibus-rime did not work well.

I can only input Chinese language in firefox address bar,
but can not input Chinese language in terminal/txt/LibreOfficeWriter, etc.

Installed method:
sudo pacman -Sy ibus-rime

sudo nano $HOME/.bashrc
#added the below lines and saved:
export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus
export LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8
export LANGUAGE=zh_CN:en_US

Artix version:

How to let ibus-rime input-method work(globally) in terminal/txt/LibreOfficeWriter, etc?

Thank you in advance

Re: Can not use ibus-rime well(globally) in Artix

Reply #1
I recommend you to use fcitx5 instead. Checkout here to get how to use it.

Re: Can not use ibus-rime well(globally) in Artix

Reply #2
My question is how to let the Chinese language input method ibus-rime or fcitx5-rime work globally?

Hi, thank you for your precious advice.
I have already installed fcitx5-rime.
I disabled ibus-rime and set fcitx5-rime on, and rebooted.
But the same thing  happened.
I can only use fcitx5-rime to input Chinese language in firefox address bar,
can not use fcitx5-rime to input Chinese language in any other place(terminal/txt/LibreOfficeWriter,etc).

My question is how to let the Chinese language input method ibus-rime or fcitx5-rime work globally?

Thank you all in advance.

Re: Can not use ibus-rime well(globally) in Artix

Reply #3
With little information, nobody can help you. In the link I posted above, there is a section named troubleshooting, and the first subsection of troubleshooting is advising you to run fcitx5-diagnose. So could you please post the output of fcitx5-diagnose?


Re: Can not use ibus-rime well(globally) in Artix

Reply #4
Solution: (If there is anything wrong, please let me know. Thank you.)

sudo pacman -Sy noto-fonts-cjk

then both ibus-rime or fcitx5-rime can work globally.
Now can input Chinese language in anyplace(firefox address bar, terminal/txt/LibreOfficeWriter, etc, and change file names into Chinese language).

When choose ibus-rime, fcitx5-input-method must be exited;
When choose fcitx5-rime, ibus-panel must be exited.


ibus-rime/ibus-anthy(japanese) work globally:

sudo nano $HOME/.bash_profile
#added the below lines, commented out fcitx5 settings and saved.
export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus
ibus-daemon -drx
export LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8
export LANGUAGE=zh_CN:en_US

sudo ibus-setup
#IBus Preferences>Input Method>Add>Chinese>Rime(japanese/anthy) >close.


fcitx5-rime/fcitx5-anthy/fcitx5-mozc(japanese) work globally:

sudo nano $HOME/.bash_profile or .xprofile
#added the below lines, commented out ibus settings and saved.
export LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8
export LANGUAGE=zh_CN:en_US
export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx
export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx

Settings>System Settings>Rejional Settings>Input Method> Add Input Method> search (rime, anthy, mozc) {not choose: Only Show Current Language}, and add> Apply.


ibus-rime works globally:
nano  .bash_profile;
nano .bashrc/.xprofile will not work globally.

fcitx5-rime works globally:
nano  .bash_profile/.xprofile;
nano .bashrc will not work globally.