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Topic: Conflict between pacman und pacman-contrib (Read 1834 times) previous topic - next topic
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Conflict between pacman und pacman-contrib


Right now I want to do a complete update. Unfortunately, I get the following error message.
Code: [Select]
Fehler: Konnte den Vorgang nicht vorbereiten (Kann Abhängigkeiten nicht erfüllen)
:: downgrade: das Installieren von pacman (5.1.0-1) verletzt Abhängigkeit von 'pacman-contrib'
pacman-contrib is not installed at all.
Code: [Select]
[roberto@Artixxx ~]$ pacman -Ss pacman-contrib
community/pacman-contrib 1.0.0-2
    Contributed scripts and tools for pacman systems
Currently I have pacman 5.0.2-14 installed but it seems, that the update wants to install 5.1.0-1 base devel.
Code: [Select]
[roberto@Artixxx ~]$ pacman -Ss pacman
system/pacman 5.1.0-1 (base base-devel) [Installiert: 5.0.2-14]
    A library-based package manager with dependency support
I don't know what I do wrong and how to solve the problem.

Thanks to everybody who has an idea.

Re: Conflict between pacman und pacman-contrib

Reply #1
i am yesterday updated pacman, today i installed pacman-contrib, no problem.

$ trizen -Q pacman pacman-contrib
pacman 5.1.0-1
pacman-contrib 1.0.0-2

If you have a problem with upgrading, remove pacman-contrib first (pacman -R pacman-contrib), update pacman and install pacman-contrib again.

Pacman-contrib was a part of pacman, now is a separatly package again.

Re: Conflict between pacman und pacman-contrib

Reply #2
It was my first idea too, to uninstall pacman-contrib, but it isn't installed.
Code: [Select]
[roberto@Artixxx ~]$ pacman -Ss pacman-contrib
community/pacman-contrib 1.0.0-2
    Contributed scripts and tools for pacman systems
Upating pacman did not work either
Code: [Select]
[roberto@Artixxx ~]$ sudo pacman -Sy pacman
:: Synchronisiere Paketdatenbanken...
 system ist aktuell
 world ist aktuell
 galaxy ist aktuell
 extra ist aktuell
 community ist aktuell
Löse Abhängigkeiten auf...
Suche nach in Konflikt stehenden Paketen...
Fehler: Konnte den Vorgang nicht vorbereiten (Kann Abhängigkeiten nicht erfüllen)
:: downgrade: das Installieren von pacman (5.1.0-1) verletzt Abhängigkeit von 'pacman-contrib'
Now I don't know how to solve the problem.

Re: Conflict between pacman und pacman-contrib

Reply #3
I found the solution. I just uninstalled the package "downgrade" and then started the update again.
Now everything has worked out perfectly  :D
Code: [Select]
[roberto@Artixxx ~]$ pacman -Ss pacman
system/pacman 5.1.0-1 (base base-devel) [Installiert]
    A library-based package manager with dependency support

Re: Conflict between pacman und pacman-contrib

Reply #4
When posting on the main forum, please provide only English output.

To do that, you can just precede your command with a
Code: [Select]
$ env LANG=C <command>


Re: Conflict between pacman und pacman-contrib

Reply #5
Alright, I'll consider it next time.