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Topic: Artix linux S6 is cool & Artix linux dinit is cool  (Read 706 times) previous topic - next topic
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Artix linux S6 is cool & Artix linux dinit is cool

Artix linux S6 is cool & Artix linux dinit is cool

currently i use archlinux but artix is cool.
i have gotten artix to do all that my archlinux installations can do and i am pleased with the results.
i first installed  artix S6  worked out my learning curve there.
i noticed that i might prefer  artix dinit  over  artix S6  So here i am sharing my results without lots of detail.

once my partitions are created and formated mounted  performed the
basestrap /mnt base base-devel dinit elogind-dinit linux linux-firmware intel-ucode efibootmgr dhcpcd nano mpv alsa-utils man-db man-pages texinfo pulseaudio pulseaudio-jack

several personalization items done like computer name locality etc  password root and password user fstabgen

artix-chroot /mnt

perform somemore personalization tweeks

write instructions to firmware on mobo so system knows how to boot itself. note this works just fine but donnot unplug HDD as you will have to go thru a mount entire filesystem and artix-chroot and perform the efibootmgr again. otherwise without systemd this is as bearminimum i can think of for booting.
efibootmgr -c -d /dev/sda -p 1 -L "artixd" -l '\vmlinuz-linux' -u 'root=/dev/sda3 rw initrd=\intel-ucode.img initrd=\initramfs-linux.img'

exit  ;leave artix-chroot
umount /mnt/boot
umount /mnt
swapoff /dev/sda2

reboot  remove DVD-artix-dinit-base installer from drive
login firstime
perform several file tweeks for full functionality of system like tweek X11 file for openbox tweek openbox autostart file
in order to play audio files on this system
alsamixer   ;F6  select HDA INTEL PCH   master  unmute/raise volume  Line  unmute/raise volume  automute  disable_initally  loopback enable_initally   ESC   and restart-for-changes-to-take-effect. i cannot emphasize enough tat restarting system updates changes you have made to the system.
mpv /1492.wav
aplay /1492.wav
if no sound check alsamixer again for settings
EUREKA! sound works both mpv and aplay.
i also performed a similar installation on my very very old intel mobo system which i am convinced has buggy UEFI firmware as repeated attempts to write to it  using efibootmgr  didnot produce any results.  though notably i was able to boot the system with aide of rEFInd. the grub i installed booted with help of rEFInd.
assuming buggy UEFI on this system. i chose  syslinux  to help boot the system. It Worked!
for my use these installations are just great rivaling my favorite for a long time archlinux.
(note: i unistaled grub and any residuals before installing syslinux)
one final thought.  i have a use for auto login as i enjoy turning on this system by remote and auto login and auto fire up entire system capability is part of what this sytem does.
AUTOLOGIN PROCEEDURE in artix linux dinint:
/etc/dinit.d/tty1  ;  command line should read as
command   = /sbin/agetty --autologin root --noclear tty1 38400 linux

ThankYou artix

systemd  should not be the only init system out there.  AND ...