luks encrypted drive not decrypted at boot and weird TTY issue
Today i switched my init systemd from runit to openrc
Everything went well, but my 2nd drive isn't decrypted at boot, i don't understand why.
Once booted, i dont see the decrypted block device in /dev/mapper corresponding to my 2nd drive.
the 2nd drive is a sata ssd, which appears in /dev/sda
and the encrypted partition /dev/sda1 appears in /dev as well.
here is my /etc/crypttab
nvCrypt UUID=643e22ae-5982-4c78-8447-f028e362496d /root.key luks,discard
datasCrypt UUID=5da7a264-3f98-4fcd-aec4-f5cee4597a63 /datas.key luks,discard
in the blkid command output, i can see the partition from my 2nd drive:
/dev/sda1: UUID="5da7a264-3f98-4fcd-aec4-f5cee4597a63" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTUUID="17513405-01"
in the services list, i have device-mapper, dmcrypt and dmeventd started on the 'boot' runlevel
normally, when booting, it asks for my luks password and decrypt the 1st drive, which works.
Then it should use the key to decrypt the 2nd drive, but it doesn't.
It worked flawlessly with runit.
Once booted, i can decrypt manually my 2nd drive with cryptsetup luksOpen ... and mount it.
So, i must have forgotten something... but what ?