world/qt6-translations 6.7.1-1 doesn't contain any translation
Dear devs,
I noticed one of my programs not loading Qt's localization data when built against Qt 6.
QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath) returns /usr/share/qt6/translations/. Actually this directory is empty, apart from a folder called qtwebengine_locales.
The qt6-translations doesn't contain anything other than a license file:
# pacman -Qlq qt6-translations
… and /usr/share/qt6/translations/ only is there because QtWebEngine puts files in there:
# pacman -Qo /usr/share/qt6/translations/
/usr/share/qt6/translations/ is owned by qt6-webengine 6.7.1-1
Maybe, you want to fix the package?