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Topic: Libre Office Broken AGAIN! (Read 249 times) previous topic - next topic
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Libre Office Broken AGAIN!


Just run $ pacman -Syyu and noticed liborcus being updated. I immediately knew, you f...ed it AGAIN. LO does not start at all. Some people never learn (or just are plain MS emplyees).

Re: Libre Office Broken AGAIN!

Reply #1
It's literally being built right now. Libreoffice never even tracked the repos because it was in universe and we just now moved it to galaxy. Honestly, I would have given up on maintaining it because it literally crashed our build server multiple times (don't ask me how this is even possible; nobody knows) but Artist picked it up and kept on doing it.

Re: Libre Office Broken AGAIN!

Reply #2
I even downgraded liborcus, but LO doesn't start either. Thanks for the reply. Recently my Artix installation is going crazy. Freezes, repos, libre office. Thanks for reply. I'll wait two days untli it all settles down with the new reops, maybe there will be new kernel and some better out of memory handling (did something change with recent updates in this regard?). If it was my production machine, I would go banannas. I need to cool down...

Re: Libre Office Broken AGAIN!

Reply #3
Thank you for the work you all put in. Chasing, and hitting, a constantly moving target cannot be easy.


Re: Libre Office Broken AGAIN!

Reply #4
If it was my production machine, I would go banannas.
You do go bananas. There's no need for it. Maybe it's an attempt at humour(?) but insults are out of line imho.

And running Artix or Arch on a critical production machine would be bananas.
Or if you did all updates would need testing on an identical setup before being implemented on production. Or at the very least have a drive or partition with an image of the previous install ready to slot in if things go south.

There are multiple methods to have snapshots or incremental backups of your root partition so if an update borks things severely I can revert to yesterdays, or last weeks, image fairly simply and then just wait a while. But normally when this happens it's me that caused it because I tinker.