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Topic: Artix keymapping when entering desktop environment  (Read 682 times) previous topic - next topic
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Artix keymapping when entering desktop environment

Hello, I'm a completely new user to artix linux.
I've managed to install the base operating system with the runit init as well as a graphical environment.

When starting up my machine the keyboard layout is as expected in the azerty French standard.
However after logging in to my user account, the layout switches to the default US qwerty layout.

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is missing for me. I've tried creating one and adding KEYMAP=fr to it using root without any luck.
I've also tried creating a file in
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and adding KEYMAP=fr to it.

The only forum topic I was able to find was this one :,4731.msg30230.html#msg30230

But I've already tried what they recommend.

Any ideas?

Thank you for you help.

Re: Artix keymapping when entering desktop environment

Reply #2
But I've already tried what they recommend.

You obviously didn't follow my recommendation.

"Wer alles kann, macht nichts richtig"

Artix USE="runit openrc slim openbox lxde gtk2 qt4 qt5 qt6 conky
-gtk3 -gtk4 -adwaita{cursors,themes,icons} -gnome3 -kde -plasma -wayland "

Re: Artix keymapping when entering desktop environment

Reply #3
As nous suggested, try choosing a keyboard layout using the configuration tool offered by your graphical environment (KDE, Mate, Xfce etc.).

Comme te l'a proposé "nous", essaie de choisir une disposition de clavier au moyen de l'outil de configuration proposé par ton environnement graphique (KDE, Mate, Xfce etc.).

Re: Artix keymapping when entering desktop environment

Reply #4
Thank you all,
I followed the documentation suggested by lq, that worked great for me!
Thanks again for being understanding and forgiving for new users :)

nous and tintin, I am using the LARBS system (