[SOLVED] omniverse/*-perl packages need repackaging for Perl 5.38. 16 August 2023, 19:36:00 At least the following packages in the "omniverse" repository need repackaging for Perl 5.38 -- maybe more:* cairo-perl* glib-perl* perl-cairo-gobject* perl-extutils-depends* perl-glib-object-introspectionRegards! Last Edit: 29 August 2023, 17:36:52 by Hitman 1 Likes
Re: omniverse/*-perl packages need repackaging for Perl 5.38. Reply #1 – 20 August 2023, 14:39:53 Greetings,I've looked around and it seems that the packages are in line with their Archlinux counterparts, in my situation a pacman post-transaction hook suggested to check the output of the following command:pacman -Qqo '/usr/lib/perl5/5.36' After reinstalling the packages in that list (I cleared the *.gz files from my cache to be safe), the warning disappeared. Last Edit: 20 August 2023, 14:47:43 by Penaz
Re: omniverse/*-perl packages need repackaging for Perl 5.38. Reply #2 – 29 August 2023, 15:44:14 Now they have been updated (although `$pkgrel` did _not_ change), and the issue is gone.