Debuginfo Server has out-of-date symbols 03 September 2023, 14:54:59 Greetings.I'm trying to debug a core dump from Mesa to make a report upstream, but I realized that there are no debug symbols for Mesa version 23.1.6-4 on the debuginfod server.Is there a way to get up-to-date symbols?I'm perfectly okay with being guided in producing my own symbols locally, if necessary.Thank you very much for your attention.Side note (out of curiosity): Would it be problematic automatically pushing the debug symbols onto the debuginfod instance on each package release?
Re: Debuginfo Server has out-of-date symbols Reply #1 – 03 September 2023, 16:55:22 Debug packages eat up a huge space, so we do only debug packages for the toolchain for now.This may change to include more packages.If you want a debug mesa, add Code: [Select]options=(debug)in the PKGBUILD.