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Topic: How to get started packaging things on the AUR... (Read 2461 times) previous topic - next topic
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How to get started packaging things on the AUR...

Hello everyone, I'd like to make a few AUR packages but I'm having trouble understanding how I do that, I've looked up some other forums posts to try to get an understanding but I am still left confused as usual.  I need to make a couple of AUR packages, I have the PKGBUILDs already working, I just need to put them on the AUR. How do I go about doing this? baby steps please.. I am also very unsure on how to make a PGP key and SSH key or whatever it is, in one command I was looknig at it showed [user ID] but how am i supposed to get a [user ID] and from where?

like, I made an account on the AUR and I logged in and I don't see anywhere to click to make a repo....

Re: How to get started packaging things on the AUR...

Reply #1
Check out the guide on Arch wiki. You'll need to learn how to use git if you don't know already.

Re: How to get started packaging things on the AUR...

Reply #2
I made a key but the AUR tells me its invalidI(with two keys I have made, same thing), and I still can't figure out how I am supposed to create a "repo" on the AUR, I really have no idea where I am supposed to click to do this....

And I know how git works, I have made github repos before, that's easy, I just don't know how it works with the AUR...

Re: How to get started packaging things on the AUR...

Reply #3
You don't "click" anywhere to create a repo. You simply add a remote and then push it from command line. But don't worry about that yet. First make sure your keys are right. Just follow the way it tells you on AUR wiki. Generate ssh keys with ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/aur, make a ~/.ssh/config file like so:

Code: [Select]
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/aur
  User aur

Just replace "User aur" with "User [your-actual-username]." And then finally log into your AUR account, go to the settings and locate the SSH public key. When you created the ssh keys earlier, it also creates a public key in that same directory, so copy the contents of your ~/.ssh/ file (the public key for aur) into that box and save it. That should grant you write access and you can upload packages.

Re: How to get started packaging things on the AUR...

Reply #4
Am I supposed to put the brackets around my username? Am I supposed to leave "User" there? I'm sorry but I need a lot of clarification on this stuff, I've never done this before.

Re: How to get started packaging things on the AUR...

Reply #5
Like, what commands should I enter first? How is this supposed to look when I input it? Could you please show me some examples in order on how to do this?  I feel like I'm incapable of figuring this stuff out...  I can make a PKGBUILD but I can't figure out how to put it on the AUR :/

I inputed the contents of into the SSH public key box but its not working, it says its invalid...

Please just spell it out to me like I have never done this stuff before... I can't understand the wikis...  I'm struggling really hard with this...

Edit: I have gotten the SSH key to work

Edit 2: I have gotten the GPG key working with my account, but still don't know how to put up a PKGBUILD on the AUR.

Re: How to get started packaging things on the AUR...

Reply #6
I don't understand what the problem is. The instructions aren't too complicated. Start by creating a git repo.

Code: [Select]
$ git clone ssh://[email protected]/package_name.git

Name "package_name" whatever you want to call your package. Put your PKGBUILD and any other files you need in that directory. Then you just run a makepkg command and some git commands.

Code: [Select]
$ makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO
$ git commit -m "useful commit message"
$ git push

Sidenote: If your packages happen to need more files than just the PKGBUILD and .SRCINFO be sure to add them as well with git add.

Re: How to get started packaging things on the AUR...

Reply #7
Oh wow that's really weird! It just works like that? thank you dudemanguy, your help is very greatly appreciated!

Re: How to get started packaging things on the AUR...

Reply #8
Were you able to make the AUR package, @kenny_w ?

You can post a link to the package on the IRC, so that people can take a look; also, the #archlinux-aur channel: they might give you insights on stuff.