Launching qtcreator using .desktop doesn't work
When I launch it, with j4-dmenu-desktop, it doesn't open.
/usr/share/applications/org.qt-project.qtcreator.desktop :
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=qtcreator %F
If I try that in a terminal:
qtcreator %F
QGuiApplication::setDesktopFileName: the specified desktop file name ends with .desktop. For compatibility reasons, the .desktop suffix will be removed. Please specify a desktop file name without .desktop suffix
Field Spacer ("Sp2") has unsupported keys: size
Field CheckBox ("SpawnMaster") has unsupported keys: value
Field CheckBox ("InputMaster") has unsupported keys: value
Field CheckBox ("EffectMaster") has unsupported keys: value
It opens with a pop-up error: "The Binary Editor cannot open empty files.".