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Topic: Conflict occurring during pacman -Syu (Read 1451 times) previous topic - next topic
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Conflict occurring during pacman -Syu

Updates are halted by the following error message. Am near to newbie status so this message is beyond my ability to remedy.

It looks like something is not as up to date as it should be ? Any assistance most welcome, and especially with relaying this to the right folks   :

# pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 system is up to date
 world is up to date
 galaxy is up to date
 lib32 is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
 multilib is up to date
 universe is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: atril: local (1.27.0-1) is newer than world (1.26.1-1.1)
warning: gnupg: local (2.3.1-1) is newer than system (2.2.41-2)
warning: libxslt: local (1.1.38-1.1) is newer than world (1.1.38-1)
warning: rsync-openrc: local (20210505-2) is newer than world (20210502-1)
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: jre-openjdk and jre-openjdk-headless are in conflict

*       *

Thanks in advance.

Re: Conflict occurring during pacman -Syu

Reply #1

This is due to a change in JDK/JRE package management brought up by ArchLinux:

You may need to check your dependencies (using "pacman -Qi jre-openjdk" and "pacman -Qi jre-openjdk-headless") to see which packages require which java release.

I assume that in the future both jdk and jre will "provide" java, thus removing the need to install both jre and jdk to make Java packages work.

Re: Conflict occurring during pacman -Syu

Reply #2
I should have written a little bit more extensively:

In my case I had both "jre-openjdk" and "jre-openjdk-headless" (former depending on the latter), which were used for the "jdtls" AUR package.

I uninstalled jdtls, jre-openjdk and jre-openjdk-headless, installed jdk-openjdk and then reinstalled jdtls.

Hopefully this gives an idea on how things could be done, but I give no warranty on it being a "good way to do things".


Re: Conflict occurring during pacman -Syu

Reply #3
In my case, the package 'jre-openjdk' was not needed by any other package as a dependency, so removing it resolved the conflict as outlined above.

Re: Conflict occurring during pacman -Syu

Reply #5
When I tried to install open jdk/jdk/jre, I found badzillions of these packages, badzillions of versions and couldn't figure out which to install. I was guessing and installing and removing and uninstalling and none of them worked with "java -jar pckage.jar". Works without problem on Debian. No problem.

Re: Conflict occurring during pacman -Syu

Reply #6
I have also run into this problem sometime ago.
I fixed it by removing all packages that depended on conflicting packages and then getting them with the right dependency

Re: Conflict occurring during pacman -Syu

Reply #7
Can you guys be more clear about how exactly those fixes are done....?