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Topic: GNOME/Wayland: Only GTK3/4 programs work (Read 1371 times) previous topic - next topic
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GNOME/Wayland: Only GTK3/4 programs work

Since there was an update to GNOME on Friday (May 14th) I encountered a quite funny bug. When I try to open GUI applications that are not based on GTK3/4 only, they don't show up. I'm writing this from the GNOME Web Browser because I can't start Firefox or Vivaldi :D – I tried Qt-based programs, Win32-based (WINE) as well as LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice and also these don't work. Im working on a spreadsheet right now an have to use Gnumeric (GTK3).

Did anybody else encounter this bug?
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ARTIX Dinit + SDDM + Enlightenment

Re: GNOME/Wayland: Only GTK3/4 programs work

Reply #1
hello, I switched to xorg to work around the bug

Re: GNOME/Wayland: Only GTK3/4 programs work

Reply #2
I briefly tested this and I was able to launch any native wayland application but not xwayland (aka xorg) ones. I tried a QT application and it worked okay since I have the native wayland environment variable enabled for QT (no idea if this is the default or not yet). We use a couple of patches for GNOME, but they're both elogind related so I wouldn't think it would have anything to do with this (could be wrong though).

Re: GNOME/Wayland: Only GTK3/4 programs work

Reply #3
I briefly tested this and I was able to launch any native wayland application but not xwayland (aka xorg) ones. I tried a QT application and it worked okay since I have the native wayland environment variable enabled for QT (no idea if this is the default or not yet). We use a couple of patches for GNOME, but they're both elogind related so I wouldn't think it would have anything to do with this (could be wrong though).

This makes a lot of sense. If I remember correctly, there was also an update for xwayland on Friday. Where did you set the native wayland environment variable for QT?
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ARTIX Dinit + SDDM + Enlightenment

Re: GNOME/Wayland: Only GTK3/4 programs work

Reply #4
Running Firefox with MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 firefox from shell works.
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ARTIX Dinit + SDDM + Enlightenment

Re: GNOME/Wayland: Only GTK3/4 programs work

Reply #5
This makes a lot of sense. If I remember correctly, there was also an update for xwayland on Friday. Where did you set the native wayland environment variable for QT?

It's QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland. If that works for you, then that would confirm my suspicions. I think this is likely a mutter issue.

Re: GNOME/Wayland: Only GTK3/4 programs work

Reply #6
I tried to downgrade a couple of packages. The relevant one is gnome-shell:

# pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/gnome-shell-1:40.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

Thus gnome-shell 1:40.1-1 contains a bug that prevents GUIs that are using xwayland from loading.
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ARTIX Dinit + SDDM + Enlightenment

Re: GNOME/Wayland: Only GTK3/4 programs work

Reply #7
Ah yup, there's an arch bugreport for gnome-shell. I'll revert that linked commit for now until there's a proper fix from upstream.

Re: GNOME/Wayland: Only GTK3/4 programs work

Reply #8
Just pushed gnome-shell with that commit reverted. It seems to launch xwayland applications again. It should be fine once the mirrors sync again.

Re: GNOME/Wayland: Only GTK3/4 programs work

Reply #9
good evening, there has been an update of gnome shell and no more bug