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Topic: Brand new runit install - and packages aren't creating system accounts (Read 4502 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Brand new runit install - and packages aren't creating system accounts

Reply #15
The Artix base install isn't really that different from installing Arch. The main thing is really just remembering that it's basestrap and not pacstrap and then setting up/enabling your services with runit or openrc instead of systemd.

Re: Brand new runit install - and packages aren't creating system accounts

Reply #16
Wow, it's been a while since I checked this thread. I have some additional information which may be of use.

I have two different Artix installations. One is a desktop which I've been using for a while with plenty of packages (including some graphical/desktop environment); the other is a VPS which I haven't touched much since I first posted about my problem. On the desktop, packages requiring system accounts are installed properly, but the server still doesn't work.

I've figured out that the problem is somehow related to Pacman's post-transaction hooks. If I run one of the offending installations on the desktop, I get the line "Updating system users and groups" indicating that the hook ran, but the server doesn't have that same line in the install output. Maybe there's some missing dependency that Pacman requires for that hook?

Re: Brand new runit install - and packages aren't creating system accounts

Reply #17
Please, do a diff of the two installations: /etc/pacman.conf, /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist. If they are the same, give us an example of a package skipping the post-installation hooks.


Re: Brand new runit install - and packages aren't creating system accounts

Reply #18
The "opensysusers" package is my guess, given that message to search:
Code: [Select]
$ cd /
$ sudo ag -u "system users and groups"
(some time later after a load of sys and proc nonexistent file errors, there's probably an ag arg to skip those dirs...)
10:Description = Updating system users and groups
12: printf "sysusers creates system users and groups, based on the file\n"
$ pacman -Qo /usr/share/libalpm/hooks/opensysusers.hook
/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/opensysusers.hook is owned by opensysusers 0.4.8-1
$ pacman -Qo /usr/bin/sysusers
/usr/bin/sysusers is owned by opensysusers 0.4.8-1