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Topic: Where are the artix PKGBUILDs now? (Read 1931 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Where are the artix PKGBUILDs now?

Reply #1
We are going to make an announcement soon, we moved to our own git server.
It is planned to make the github packages and packages-galaxy repo a mirror eventually.
For the sake of unfinished organizational issues, we haven't made the git server public accessible to save bandwidth among other issues to sort out.
In general, each package has gotten its own dedicated git repository, we just haven't decided how to group them, if we keep old grouping or if we atomize the packages and packages-galaxy (now superrepos holding git sub repos).

Re: Where are the artix PKGBUILDs now?

Reply #2
We are going to make an announcement soon, we moved to our own git server.
It is planned to make the github packages and packages-galaxy repo a mirror eventually.
For the sake of unfinished organizational issues, we haven't made the git server public accessible to save bandwidth among other issues to sort out.
In general, each package has gotten its own dedicated git repository, we just haven't decided how to group them, if we keep old grouping or if we atomize the packages and packages-galaxy (now superrepos holding git sub repos).


I need to modifiy upower to make it possible to take no action on critical battery, so I wanted to take artix PKGBUILD and build it patched for myself, and plug the changes to a customizepkg-hook. Also, for system upgrade I need the PKGBUILDs, since some packages I automatically modify with customizepkg.

So I will wait until the repos are there in the new place.


Re: Where are the artix PKGBUILDs now?

Reply #3
With the new structure we have in place, you'd be able to just clone the upower git repo.


Re: Where are the artix PKGBUILDs now?

Reply #5
See announcement.
now only the dinit guy in artix