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Topic: [SOLVED] fcitx5 suddenly doesn't launch (Read 754 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] fcitx5 suddenly doesn't launch

After successfully installing and running fcitx5 for several months, it suddenly won't launch. Then I removed and reinstalled all fcitx5 packages, configured environmental variables. But it still won't start due to the following same error:

Could not load plugin from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/kcms/systemsettings/ Cannot load library /usr/lib/qt/plugins/plasma/kcms/systemsettings/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)

Possible reasons:
An error occurred during your last system upgrade, leaving an orphaned control module behind
You have old third party modules lying around

Check these points carefully and try to remove the module mentioned in the error message. If this fails, consider contacting your distributor or packager.

How to understand the above reasons? How to remove the culprit modules? Any clues or solutions? Thanks for any reply

Re: fcitx5 suddenly doesn't launch

Reply #2
Your prompt advice is much appreciated. Correct. After installing libuv, fcitx5 can be launched. No need to reboot Artix. Why didn't pacman install this mandatory dependency? As far as I can recall, pacman didn't even show or suggest that this new dependency is available when I updated Artix more than two weeks ago.

Re: fcitx5 suddenly doesn't launch

Reply #3
Why didn't pacman install this mandatory dependency?
It's only mandatory if it's added to the PKGBUILD.
And from the look of the code it's not a dependency if you have systemd aka Arch.
So I guess it slipped through for now.

Re: fcitx5 suddenly doesn't launch

Reply #4
If other Artix users install fcitx5 from now on, will they experience the same as me? If yes, how will Artix developers tackle this issue?

Re: fcitx5 suddenly doesn't launch

Reply #5
On the topic of fcitx5, would it be possible to also package it without the dependency on elogind? It seems like the libuv dependency allows it to work with that fallback in case the USE_SYSTEMD CMake option is disabled, and it would be nice to be able to use fcitx5 on an Artix system running with seatd rather than elogind.

Re: fcitx5 suddenly doesn't launch

Reply #6
I happened to have libuv installed so indeed I didn't notice this. Updated the PKGBUILD now with systemd properly disabled.