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Topic: Mpv 0.37 May Have Broken Sync To Vblank (regression of video tearing) (Read 380 times) previous topic - next topic
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Mpv 0.37 May Have Broken Sync To Vblank (regression of video tearing)


I've noticed today (after upgraded mpv to ver. 0.37) that it may have regression of having broken Vsync To Blank.*

I noticed it both via using GUI (Smplayer) and hence with Kwin, as well as mpv directly (it turns compositing off). So it happens with both kwin and without kwin, either scaled (alt+1 or alt+0, or ctlr+1 etc in gui) of full screen (f).

Not sure what is going on. I haven't tested it extensively. But noticed it immediately. I even restarted the system.

I don't use wayland yet (for obvious reasons), and pure Intel (mpv --hwdec=vaapi --vo=gpu  <---- this works directly and perfectly no 'auto' guessing necessary as it would 'guess' vaapi anyway.). It should not happen as it never did. Something went wrong along the lines.... I have yet to test it more, so if you have any link to youtube video to test it, let me know. Can someone confirm?

* I've been using distros for a long time... and thought that vsync to blank issues were thing of the past... anyway, if someone has a "Windows" user friend, please ask them if they ever heard of vsync to blank.... :( [or a font rendering, for that matter...-yes some distros in 2024 don't know what it is, e.g. default Debian.12...]

Re: Mpv 0.37 May Have Broken Sync To Vblank (regression of video tearing)

Reply #1
Sorry for not responding sooner. I tested it and figured out what was wrong. I have never experienced such thing before. Maybe it will help someone not to do such mistakes again when creating a video.

Long story short: software is made in USA and they have 30fps, either by inserted frames into 24.97/25 fps or probably now recorded this way. They have different current oscillation too (60 vs 50 Hz), so thats how you should record. Does anyone know it if cameras (e.g. android/apple) have different default setting for USA and EUROPE? Or people are not aware of it and record with "blinking"?

Anyway, the video was created in the 90s (4:3 format) in Europe where there's 25fps (PAL). Someone made 16:9 video from it, by adding black bordeers (which is useless....). You do it by using  the piexel ratio 1:1 so all players know the aspect ratio and play it properly as intended/recorded. Black borders are unnecessary. Same happens to youtube reenconding, e.g. youtube brakes "Panavision" trailers with reencoding and adding black borders (genuine source is 1920x8xx). In the era of Xvid (made form mpeg2 DVDS some software was cropping it automatically (like AutoMKV/mencoder or something like that...). Handbrake does not do it, and judging by what is inside, they code for Apple (...) and their userbase i.e. "intelligent" people.

Here someone took 25fps remade it to 16:9 with black borders and then used, for 100% sure, some dumb ass default settings (you know all aliens speak English, they all land in USA and in California, to be precise). Nobody looked to change defaults from some dumb ass "merikan" software. And voila. Disaster. THE BROKEN VSYNC is EMBEDDED. NASTY STUFF. So never, ever redo 25fps into 30 fps without proper software (frame insersion, pulldowns or whatever). Better yet, never do this at all. Leave the fps exactly like in source, unless you professionally removing intelacing (artifitial resolution "upscale"/"mixed frame order" for CRTs).

So sorry for blaming mpv. My bad, I didn't take IDIOTS into account. You always need to assume that the user of your software is and idiot (they never change default settings).

Re: Mpv 0.37 May Have Broken Sync To Vblank (regression of video tearing)

Reply #2
So by the sounds of it you based your first post from one dodgy video file?

Quote / Saying springs to mind.
"If you meet one person in your day who’s an asshole, your perception is accurate...but if everyone you meet is an asshole, the asshole is you."

Worth knowing (if you are a geek):
What is now referred to as 'PAL' in many places eg. DVD's isn't strictly 'PAL' (Phase Alternating Line)

Oh and I'm not overly keen on:
Long story short: software is made in USA
Rest of of the world says "Gee thanks U S of A"