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Topic: linux-zen 6.7.3 fails to install with nvidia-dkms due to license shenanigans  (Read 693 times) previous topic - next topic
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linux-zen 6.7.3 fails to install with nvidia-dkms due to license shenanigans

First of all, Hello as this is my first time here.

Today's update of linux-zen to 6.7.3 made nvidia unable to compile through DKMS. Log in the attachments.

Code: [Select]
ERROR: modpost: GPL-incompatible module nvidia.ko uses GPL-only symbol '__rcu_read_unlock'
ERROR: modpost: GPL-incompatible module nvidia.ko uses GPL-only symbol '__rcu_read_lock'

You can downgrade through:
Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -U

I don't know what's your stance on this as devs/maintainers of this distro, dunno if you patch this yourself, or we have to wait for nvidia ;/.

Re: linux-zen 6.7.3 fails to install with nvidia-dkms due to license shenanigans

Reply #1
Thank you for posting this. I had to roll back after updating today, as my X session couldn't see my display. I was wondering why and it appears this is the reason.

Re: linux-zen 6.7.3 fails to install with nvidia-dkms due to license shenanigans

Reply #3
↑↑↑↑ It seems like 2. option is the way to go, because this "GPL condom" got seemingly backported to several older kernels...

Seems like all packages were updated to mitigate the issue. Closing

Re: linux-zen 6.7.3 fails to install with nvidia-dkms due to license shenanigans

Reply #4
Just wanted to say thanks to @Shoun2137 for the OP, and thanks to the Artix devs for the resolution.