Finally I was able to deactivate [extra] (Arch)
At home, we have happily used Artix Linux OpenRC XFCE since 2019.
I noticed that most of the installed packages are now available on the Artix repositories.
So I deactivated [extra] and did a big cleanup. Everything works again.
sudo pacman -Syu alacarte amd-ucode audacious audacity bash-completion bzip2 catfish cups-openrc cups-pdf dvd+rw-tools easytag faac ffmpegthumbs ffmpegthumbnailer filelight firefox geeqie gimp gsmartcontrol gutenprint gzip inkscape intel-ucode lame libreoffice-fresh-fr libreoffice-fresh lximage-qt meld mjpegtools neofetch openshot p7zip pacman-contrib pamac pdfarranger qastools scribus simplescreenrecorder smplayer tex-gyre-fonts thunderbird thunderbird-i18n-fr trizen viewnior volumeicon vorbis-tools xsane xsane-gimp xournalpp zim
sudo pacman -Sy ark dolphin kdegraphics-thumbnailers kimageformats5 oxygen-icons qt5-imageformats
Just a few applications are not yet available:
avidemux-qt: available in Appimage version at
firefox-i18n-fr: I can download it from and install it locally (sudo pacman -U /path/to/firefox-i18n- fr-xxx-any.pkg.tar.zst).
librecad: in Appimage version on
trizen screenkey
1 aur/screenkey-git 1.1.r5.g467662b-1 [installed] [12+] [0.00%] [6 Jun 2023]
Screencast tool to show your keys inspired by Screenflick, based on key-mon. Active fork with new features.
trizen key-mon
1 aur/key-mon 1.20-2 [installed] [56+] [1.00%] [4 May 2023]
A screencast utility that displays your keyboard and mouse status
A very big thank you to the packagers !