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Topic: Linus gives up swearing -WTF? (Read 3588 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Linus gives up swearing -WTF?

Reply #1
Also Linux now has a code of conduct. Fucking great, I have a feeling we'll go down the path of FreeBSD in a few years.

Re: Linus gives up swearing -WTF?

Reply #3
How big the problem is?
Also, what's wrong with FreeBSD?

Re: Linus gives up swearing -WTF?

Reply #4
You haven't heard about the insane FreeBSD code of conduct? The one that literally bans virtual hugs? Now the Linux one isn't as crazy (although it was written by that whackjob, Coraline Ada). Given how these kinds of politically charged code of conducts almost always end up dividing communities, it's would be safe to assume this won't end well. In a few years, expect someone to change "master/slave" terms in the code since it hurts their feelings or something.

Re: Linus gives up swearing -WTF?

Reply #5
ArtixHurd when?  :P

Re: Linus gives up swearing -WTF?

Reply #6
From one russian community:
Ehmke was among a group of people who announced the creation of a community for LGBT technologists called LGBTech
Это ведь разработчики Pidora, да?
Translation: "Are they Pidora developers?"
"Pidor" in russian is very offensive form of calling someone a gay (also is used to determine someone as complete shit).

Re: Linus gives up swearing -WTF?

Reply #7
I didn't know that about Pidora, I suppose they will be barred from contributing to the kernel in future on account of the offensive name of their project.  ;D
There are some others like that I've seen:
Pur Linux and PureOS. Pur linux has now changed it's name, but not for the reasons I would have thought:
Pür Linux is now Sanity Linux! This name change comes as I resume work on the distro, and got tired of people calling it "Purr Linux? Like a cat?"
It's a bit obscure, but "pure" was a term used in the tanning industry in the 1800's and meant "dog excrement." Leather was soaked in vats of water mixed with dog excrement, and some people would search the streets collecting "pure" to sell to the tanners.
So these could be understood as "Dog Shit Linux" and "Dog Shit OS."
Also Pisi linux is pretty close to "pissy" which might be otherwise defined as "Urine linux"

Re: Linus gives up swearing -WTF?

Reply #8
I didn't know that about Pidora, I suppose they will be barred from contributing to the kernel in future on account of the offensive name of their project.  ;D
There are some others like that I've seen:
Pur Linux and PureOS. Pur linux has now changed it's name, but not for the reasons I would have thought:
Pür Linux is now Sanity Linux! This name change comes as I resume work on the distro, and got tired of people calling it "Purr Linux? Like a cat?"
It's a bit obscure, but "pure" was a term used in the tanning industry in the 1800's and meant "dog excrement." Leather was soaked in vats of water mixed with dog excrement, and some people would search the streets collecting "pure" to sell to the tanners.
So these could be understood as "Dog Shit Linux" and "Dog Shit OS."
Also Pisi linux is pretty close to "pissy" which might be otherwise defined as "Urine linux"
Pissy Linux is what I describe Debian/Ubuntu/Redhat/Fedora

Re: Linus gives up swearing -WTF?

Reply #11
I was thinking about that recently, in reality, master / slave has no race connotations, or if it has, it is just an expression of modern racism but there is no historical basis. White people often talk about slaving away or being treated as a slave, and all races have been enslaved and enslavers at various points. The African transatlantic slave trade used slaves captured by other Africans, and there were African overseers on the plantations as well as European ones. The Massacurraman jumbee is believed to derive from the Master's Curraban, the Curraban were an African tribe who were great hunters and trackers, and they would track down escaped slaves, but many were not captured and lived as Maroons, some of whom were even eventually returned to Africa.


Re: Linus gives up swearing -WTF?

Reply #12
I'm sure a number of you have noticed the increased push for "inclusive" terminology and various forms of nonsense across the free software world. Even things that are obviously not offensive in any possible way (blacklist/whitelist) are getting removed. And of course even if you do actually support such political causes, simply changing words in the source code of software that 99% of people will never read does absolutely nothing meaningful.

In my opinion, a lot of people have made the mistake of considering this some kind of rational discussion/debate that needs to be had. I've started to consider it a modern day quasi-religious movement. For those of you who are not familiar with American history, we've had several waves of increased religious activity/movement collectively called Great Awakenings. This new wave of woke politics/identity/whatever you want to call it is best viewed as another Great Awakening. Most of the fundamental tenets of the movement are not distinguishable form any particular religion as they are rife with unfalsifiable claims (systemic racism, white privilege, etc.).

And again, even if you do actually believe in these things, removing a innocuous term like "blacklist" from source code does nothing to address any real world problems. It's just a form of signaling your virtue to like-minded peers. Don't think of these kinds of moves as some kind of logical/rational action. It's an emotional expression. Like any religion, there are the hardcore, devout believers who will do these things without question and there are others that are pressured into it socially and would have never done such a thing in a sane environment.

Anyways, it's a bit of a depressing state of affairs in the world. I'd argue this particular variety is worse than most traditional religions as there's really no firm and solid foundation. The mob bends and changes its whims seemingly everyday. I will be shocked if git doesn't change the default name of "master branch" to something else in the near future. Since there is no significant power structure to oppose these people (conservative/right-wing parties in the west are almost universally a joke), expect them to keep winning.

Sidenote: What I said above mainly applies to the West, particularly the US and any country that is heavily allied with it. Other parts of the world are completely different.

Re: Linus gives up swearing -WTF?

Reply #14
Anyways, it's a bit of a depressing state of affairs in the world. I'd argue this particular variety is worse than most traditional religions as there's really no firm and solid foundation.
I would disagree here. They do have a firm foundation. It is only that we do not see the direct references made to the text or ideas (which would have been called scripture or edicts if it were purely religious) like we do when we see religious equivalents. This is because such indoctrination happens from K-12 and continues throughout further education because most of academia is highly left-leaning where these ideas are pervasive and the norm. Brett Weinstein talks about this quite often on his podcast in great detail.

But a proper analysis of why (also a bit of how) this happens and why this "Great Awakening" is not fully religious in the traditional sense is covered by James A. Lindsay and Mike Nayna in this piece.