Re: Xorg: Black Screen and Cursor Only after switching to tty and back
Reply #7 –
Since I’ve set up my autistic mpv drm setup that I run on a separate VT, I’ve been encountering this issue daily. At some point, picom won’t recover and will need to be restarted. I'm on i3wm, so I just created a little starter script that restarts picom on config reload, (you can put it into some keymap combo if you want idk) at least this works as a workaround:
if pgrep -u "${USER}" -x picom 1>/dev/null 2>&1
echo "Picom was already running, restarting..."
killall -u "${USER}" -9 picom
/usr/bin/picom -b --config "${HOME}/.config/picom/picom.conf" &
echo "Picom started..."
Could you like stop this shit? There's nothing in any of those links related to the issue at hand. If you don't have anything to say, then just leave. Almost every fucking topic has to be polluted by your bullshit. Can't search shit without being reminded of your stupid trolling.