[SOLVED] keepassxc libbotan-3.so.3 no such file/directory error
It looks like a recent update brought in a new /usr/lib/libbotan version. From within /usr/lib a grep of libbotan yields this on my system:
libbotan-2.so -> libbotan-2.so.19.19.3
libbotan-2.so.19 -> libbotan-2.so.19.19.3
libbotan-3.so -> libbotan-3.so.4.4.0
libbotan-3.so.4 -> libbotan-3.so.4.4.0
If I try to run keepassxc, it's final error message output shows this:
/usr/bin/keepassxc: error while loading shared libraries: libbotan-3.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I've encountered library mismatches like this before, but haven't in a while. Can someone instruct me on how I might be able to hotfix this until an update to keepassxc soft links to this new version? I don't know if soft linking to this particular library will break other applications on my system, so I want to be cautious and get the opinion of the community on this.
I have other devices which can open up my keepassxc, but this is my main machine, so I'd like to get this back up and running ASAP.
As always, thanks in advance for any advice/help you can provide.