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Topic: check-link-consistency needs updating, AUR -git pkg works  (Read 333 times) previous topic - next topic
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check-link-consistency needs updating, AUR -git pkg works

The galaxy repo version fails to run, although it used to be fine:
Code: [Select]
# check-link-consistency -N
WARN  Config file not found, using defaults.
INFO  Analyzing installed packages...
INFO  Scanning filesystem for bins & libs...
ERR   FilesCollector:377: `ldconfig -p` line 499: error {``, 64-bit}: duplicate key
(exits at this point)

But the check-link-consistency-git package from the AUR works.

Re: check-link-consistency needs updating, AUR -git pkg works

Reply #1
That package should probably be removed. Omniverse would be more appropriate but I doubt ndowens has any interest in maintaining it. Stick with the AUR package  :)

Re: check-link-consistency needs updating, AUR -git pkg works

Reply #2
It's very useful sometimes, as it checks if there are any missing solib dependencies on your system, and it it was created by dimgel who is one of the people on this forum. But it doesn't take any time to build from the AUR. I think from the Jan 2022 build date on the repo package version it's been forgotten about, as there have been about 44 commits in the git repo since then.


Re: check-link-consistency needs updating, AUR -git pkg works

Reply #3
Indeed, it's been forgotten about. There's no corresponding repo in Gitea, either.