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Topic: Is it possible to run Budgie DE without systemd? (Read 704 times) previous topic - next topic
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Is it possible to run Budgie DE without systemd?

I'm quite new to Artix, and I want to try Budgie, but apparently it's require libsystemd.
Is it possible to run it on non-systemd?

Re: Is it possible to run Budgie DE without systemd?

Reply #1
I see it's available for FreeBSD (which is systemd free) and exist in Void Linux repositories, that runs under runit.
How to port it to OpenRC?

Re: Is it possible to run Budgie DE without systemd?

Reply #2
I only had a quick look but I didn't see a libsystemd depandancy.
budgie-session does depend on systemd.

There looks to be options to disable the use of systemd

So you need to build budgie-session yourself editing the PKGBUILD and removing the dependency on systemd (actually you can skip that bit if you have  artix-archlinux-support installed) and changing the build section to set the meson options to disable the use of systemd.
I've no idea if this will work but if the code is well maintained I don't see why it wouldn't

There may already be a PKGBUILD out on the net that does this ?

Re: Is it possible to run Budgie DE without systemd?

Reply #3
I tried to compile it from source with disabled systemd and systemd_journal in meson_options.txt.

It starts, but "Something go wrong" message blinks on background and then screen covers black.

There is PKGBUILD that I made (edited one from AUR).
Code: [Select]
pkgdesc="Budgie Session is a softish fork of gnome-session, designed to provide a stable session manager for Budgie 10.x"
depends=('budgie-desktop' 'dbus-glib' 'libgnomekbd')
makedepends=('meson' 'git' 'intltool' 'gnome-common' "cmake" "xtrans")
optdepends=('budgie-session: default background')

pkgver() {
    cd "$pkgname"
    git describe --tags --long | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/; s/-/./g; s/^v//g'

build() {
    sed -i "s/'systemd', type: 'boolean', value: true/'systemd', type: 'boolean', value: false/" $pkgname-$pkgver/meson_options.txt
    sed -i "s/'systemd_journal', type: 'boolean', value:'true'/'systemd_journal', type: 'boolean', value:'false'/" $pkgname-$pkgver/meson_options.txt
    arch-meson "$pkgname" build --libexecdir="lib/budgie-session"
    meson compile -C build

package() {
    meson install -C build --destdir "$pkgdir"

Also there a .xsession-errors file:
Code: [Select]
(budgie-session-check-accelerated:2721): dbind-WARNING **: 11:38:07.466: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/979/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied
glx: failed to create dri3 screen
failed to load driver: nouveau
budgie-session-binary[2702]: WARNING: Calling GetSessionForUnixProcess failed.Check that ConsoleKit is properly installed.
budgie-session-binary[2702]: WARNING: Could not get session id for session. Check that ConsoleKit is properly installed.
budgie-session-binary[2702]: WARNING: Desktop file /home/artix/.config/autostart/cmst-autostart.desktop for application cmst-autostart.desktop could not be parsed or references a missing TryExec binary
budgie-session-binary[2702]: WARNING: Desktop file /home/artix/.config/autostart/lxpolkit.desktop for application lxpolkit.desktop could not be parsed or references a missing TryExec binary
budgie-session-binary[2702]: WARNING: Desktop file /home/artix/.config/autostart/lxqt-compton.desktop for application lxqt-compton.desktop could not be parsed or references a missing TryExec binary
budgie-session-binary[2702]: WARNING: Desktop file /home/artix/.config/autostart/blueman.desktop for application blueman.desktop could not be parsed or references a missing TryExec binary
budgie-session-binary[2702]: WARNING: Desktop file /home/artix/.config/autostart/geoclue-demo-agent.desktop for application geoclue-demo-agent.desktop could not be parsed or references a missing TryExec binary
budgie-session-binary[2702]: WARNING: Desktop file /etc/xdg/autostart/xscreensaver.desktop for application xscreensaver.desktop could not be parsed or references a missing TryExec binary
discover_other_daemon: 1discover_other_daemon: 1discover_other_daemon: 1
(gsd-sharing:2768): sharing-plugin-WARNING **: 11:38:07.711: Failed to StopUnit service: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.systemd1 was not provided by any .service files

(gsd-sharing:2768): sharing-plugin-WARNING **: 11:38:07.711: Failed to StopUnit service: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.systemd1 was not provided by any .service files

(gsd-xsettings:2781): dbind-WARNING **: 11:38:07.713: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/979/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied

(gsd-keyboard:2784): dbind-WARNING **: 11:38:07.716: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/979/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied

(gsd-color:2761): dbind-WARNING **: 11:38:07.717: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/979/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied

(gsd-wacom:2777): dbind-WARNING **: 11:38:07.717: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/979/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied

(gsd-power:2787): dbind-WARNING **: 11:38:07.722: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/979/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied

(gsd-xsettings:2781): xsettings-plugin-WARNING **: 11:38:07.725: Failed to get current display configuration state: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Name "org.gnome.Mutter.DisplayConfig" does not exist

(gsd-media-keys:2785): dbind-WARNING **: 11:38:07.766: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/979/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied
budgie-session-binary[2702]: WARNING: Could not retrieve current screensaver active state: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying

(gsd-usb-protection:2793): usb-protection-plugin-WARNING **: 11:38:07.857: Failed to get screen saver status: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying

(gsd-usb-protection:2793): usb-protection-plugin-WARNING **: 11:38:07.859: Failed to fetch USBGuard parameters: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.usbguard1 was not provided by any .service files
/usr/bin/budgie-wm: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
budgie-session-binary[2702]: WARNING: App 'org.buddiesofbudgie.BudgieWm.desktop' exited with code 127
/usr/bin/budgie-wm: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
budgie-session-binary[2702]: WARNING: App 'org.buddiesofbudgie.BudgieWm.desktop' exited with code 127
budgie-session-binary[2702]: WARNING: App 'org.buddiesofbudgie.BudgieWm.desktop' respawning too quickly

(budgie-session-failed:2933): dbind-WARNING **: 11:38:08.783: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/979/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied

(budgie-panel:2935): dbind-WARNING **: 11:38:08.797: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/979/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied

(budgie-panel:2935): IBUS-WARNING **: 11:38:09.142: Unable to connect to ibus: Could not connect: Connection refused

(budgie-panel:2935): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 11:38:09.144: gtk_widget_destroy: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed

** (budgie-panel:2935): CRITICAL **: 11:38:09.146: notifications_view.vala:186: Unable to connect to notifications dispatcher: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.budgie_desktop.Notifications was not provided by any .service files

** (budgie-panel:2935): WARNING **: 11:38:09.147: OverlayMenus.vala:129: Unable to connect to Budgie XDGDirTracker: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.buddiesofbudgie.XDGDirTracker was not provided by any .service files

(budgie-polkit-dialog:2959): dbind-WARNING **: 11:38:09.200: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/979/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied

(budgie-daemon:2958): dbind-WARNING **: 11:38:09.205: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/979/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied

** (budgie-daemon:2958): WARNING **: 11:38:09.291: statusnotifier.vala:149: Registered status notifier host org.freedesktop.StatusNotifierHost-budgie_daemon
/usr/bin/budgie-screensaver: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/firewall-applet", line 11, in <module>
    from PyQt6 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt6'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/firewall-applet", line 15, in <module>
    from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt5'

(org.buddiesofbudgie.sendto:2975): dbind-WARNING **: 11:38:09.366: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/979/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied

(org.buddiesofbudgie.budgie-desktop-view:2977): dbind-WARNING **: 11:38:09.382: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/979/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied

(nm-applet:2973): dbind-WARNING **: 11:38:09.382: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/979/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied

(connman-gtk:2979): dbind-WARNING **: 11:38:09.383: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/979/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied

(budgie-power-dialog:2982): dbind-WARNING **: 11:38:09.387: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/979/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied

** (budgie-daemon:2958): WARNING **: 11:38:09.394: statusnotifier.vala:149: Registered status notifier host org.freedesktop.StatusNotifierHost-budgie_d7158b80-09f8-11ef-9502-8019344ce47e

** (budgie-daemon:2958): WARNING **: 11:38:09.395: statusnotifier.vala:117: Received register request for item with service=/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet, path=/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet, name=:1.41, sender=:1.41, owner=:1.41

** (budgie-daemon:2958): WARNING **: 11:38:09.395: statusnotifier.vala:119: Registering item with service=/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet, path=/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/nm_applet, name=:1.41, sender=:1.41, owner=:1.41
budgie-session-binary[2702]: WARNING: Could not retrieve current screensaver active state: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying

(evolution-alarm-notify:2981): dbind-WARNING **: 11:38:09.557: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/979/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied

(blueman-applet:2972): dbind-WARNING **: 11:38:09.581: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/979/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied
blueman-applet 11.38.09 WARNING  PluginManager:150 __load_plugin: Not loading DhcpClient because its conflict has higher priority
blueman-applet 11.38.09 WARNING  PluginManager:150 __load_plugin: Not loading PPPSupport because its conflict has higher priority

(blueman-tray:3069): dbind-WARNING **: 11:38:09.897: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/user/979/at-spi/bus_0: Permission denied

** (budgie-daemon:2958): WARNING **: 11:38:09.924: statusnotifier.vala:117: Received register request for item with service=/org/blueman/sni, path=/org/blueman/sni, name=:1.49, sender=:1.49, owner=:1.49

** (budgie-daemon:2958): WARNING **: 11:38:09.924: statusnotifier.vala:119: Registering item with service=/org/blueman/sni, path=/org/blueman/sni, name=:1.49, sender=:1.49, owner=:1.49

(tracker-extract-3:3130): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: 11:38:11.053: Error creating IO channel for /proc/self/mountinfo: Invalid argument (g-io-error-quark, 13)

(budgie-panel:2935): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: 11:38:17.574: Dropping signal PropertiesChanged of type (sa{sv}as) since the type from the expected interface is ()
budgie-session-binary[2702]: WARNING: App 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Wacom.desktop' exited with code 1
budgie-session-binary[2702]: WARNING: App 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Keyboard.desktop' exited with code 1
budgie-session-binary[2702]: WARNING: App 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Color.desktop' exited with code 1
budgie-session-binary[2702]: WARNING: App 'org.buddiesofbudgie.BudgiePolkit.desktop' exited with code 1

Re: Is it possible to run Budgie DE without systemd?

Reply #4
From memory but should be close :)
Code: [Select]
build() {
    arch-meson "$pkgname-$pkgver" build \
        -Dsystemd=false \
        -Dsystemd_session=disable \
    meson compile -C build

But I retract
but if the code is well maintained I don't see why it wouldn't
I just looked a little closer and saw the
Code: [Select]
option('consolekit', type: 'boolean', value: false, description: 'Use consolekit')

So taking a wild guess maybe if you don't enable systemd you need consolekit ? But maybe you don't ? I don't think consolekit is supported on Artix but that is also a guess?

I can't be much more help other than to say if I wanted to try and get budgie working on Artix one of the things I'd look at next is how the other non systemd distros you mention are building the package.

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