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Topic: A couple of long term related UK localization bugs with the installation ISO's (Read 257 times) previous topic - next topic
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A couple of long term related UK localization bugs with the installation ISO's

As far as I can recall the following has been the case on every flavour of ISO I've tried. But I haven't tried them all of course and I've tried far more with openrc than other inits.

For someone from the UK
On the initial iso boot screen we can set keytable=uk. Correct but more in a moment.
Setting lang= there is no en_GB under english. There is en_UK which doesn't exist in reality.

Once the install is done to disk the incorrect en_UK has been turned into en_GB in /etc/locale.conf so that bug is very minor. It might just cause a bit of head scratching in the boot menu.

But for some reason the keymap, which was correctly labelled and set to uk in the boot menu, gets turned into
Code: [Select]
in /etc/conf.d/keymaps
So no keymap gets loaded. I'm used to it and just change it to uk.
I've meant to report this before. It's been this way for years. But until now I've always forgotten to. Or maybe I have reported it and nothing changed ? idk

Re: A couple of long term related UK localization bugs with the installation ISO's

Reply #1
I've always been confused about the UK versus GB issue. I see vconsole.conf contains KEYMAP=uk, but in X I have to  use setxkbmap=gb and trying uk gives an error. In /etc/locale.gen I see the en_XX values, but UK is only UK_UA which I think is Ukrainian.


Re: A couple of long term related UK localization bugs with the installation ISO's

Reply #2
I've always been confused about the UK versus GB issue. I see vconsole.conf contains KEYMAP=uk, but in X I have to  use setxkbmap=gb and trying uk gives an error. In /etc/locale.gen I see the en_XX values, but UK is only UK_UA which I think is Ukrainian.
Yeah it's a bit of a shitshow  :) I guess in the early unix days no one could decide between the the two. So we get one or the other in different places.
I suspect many natives would not be able to tell you the actual difference between Great Britain and the United Kingdom either?