Re: Will there be runit of LXQt iso?
Reply #7 –
Basically you need to add your user into the wheel group /etc/group and modify the sudoers file as well
Read through the runit wiki on how to enable/start services. I don't know which networking you have chosen, NetworkManager used to be the default I think, or dhcpcd is what I use.
For anything artix specific look at the artix wiki, the rest you can look up at arch-wiki.
If you
# ls /etc/runit/sv
You can see what services you have available
If you
# ls /run/runit
You see what is already enabled
the following command links the installed service to the init sequence, that is how runit knows what to start. For example dhcpcd (if you have dhcpcd-runit installed)
# ln -s /etc/runit/sv/dhcpcd /run/runit/dhcpcd WRONG
# ln -s /etc/runit/sv/dhcpcd /run/runit/service
will start/enable the dhcpc daemon which should get you connected.
If you have NetworkManager start that one.