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Topic: [SOLVED] Inkscape has a shared library discrepancy again (Read 649 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Inkscape has a shared library discrepancy again

This isn't the first time inkscape has had an issu with not finding shared libraries, but this time it looks like it simply cannot find the appropriate library on my system. My apologies, but I simply don't remember how to resolve this on my own.

When I invoke inkscape from the command line, it shows:

Code: [Select]
/usr/bin/inkscape: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

But then if I invoke `locate libgsl`, I get this output:

Code: [Select]

So the appropriate version number is within the /usr/lib, but I suppose there isn't the appropriate link? If I then invoke `ldd /usr/bin/inkscape | grep libgsl`, I get this output:

Code: [Select] => /usr/lib/ (0x00007db3f4e00000) => not found

I recall I resolved a similar issue about a year ago with the libpoppler shared library, but cannot remember exactly what I did.  Is there anyway I can resolve this issue? I don't know if an update to the inkscape package would resolve this, and would rather not wait nor revert back to the previous version if at all possible.

Thanks in advance for any and all help!

Re: Inkscape has a shared library discrepancy again

Reply #1
I'm not sure what you did exactly but libgsl is on version 28 as of a couple of days ago. Be sure your system is fully up to date.

Re: Inkscape has a shared library discrepancy again

Reply #2
Well it looks like it was as simple as waiting a day. A separate update resolved this issue. Thanks to @Dudemanguy for the help!

Re: [SOLVED] Inkscape has a shared library discrepancy again

Reply #3
I had the same issue. For anyone who may need it, the problem was that lib2geom-git was installed when I tried the development version of inkscape. It was found by
LD_DEBUG=all ldd /usr/bin/inkscape
Installing the normal lib2geom solved the problem.