Recent libxml2 2.13.0-1 made my system completely unstable
With recent libxml2-2.13.0-1 update my entire system is unstable, pacman shits itself in the middle of the updates, conky crashes, tixati crashes, librewolf crashes, libvirt crashes... It happens randomly after some time with the error below. Can't find any remedies on the matter, for now I've downgraded to libxml2-2.12.7-1 and that seems to work.
[user@pc ~]$ conky
libxml2: getentropy failed with error code 38
Aborted (core dumped)
ehr, I should've mentioned that i run xorg/i3wm, linux-zen 6.9.2, nvidia-dkms 555.52.04 beta drivers from aur, sorry for omitting that.