I do not have that file nor /etc/locale.d.
dinitctl list | grep local
[{+} ] local.target
[{+} ] pre-local.target
[{+} ] early-fs-local.target
[{+} ] locale
I see in /usr/lib/dinit.d/local.target:
type = scripted
command = /usr/lib/dinit/rclocal startup
stop-command = /usr/lib/dinit/rclocal shutdown
Therefore I can use these files I think:
[ ! -f /etc/rc.local ] && {
cat <<EOF > /etc/rc.local
# rc.local for Artix -- enter your commands here
# it should be run when starting local.target service
chmod 755 /etc/rc.local
[ ! -f /etc/rc.shutdown ] && {
Is there a service for scripts also?