CUPS: Adding printer via web frontend: "Connection:" filled with unicode garbage
I use Artix' world/cups version 2:2.4.10-1.
For debugging, I ran cupsd -f -c /etc/cups/cupsd.conf -s /etc/cups/cups-files.conf with LogLevel debug in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.
Then I opened the CUPS webinterface administration panel, did click "Add Printer" -> "Discovered Network Printers: ( ) Brother MFC-L3730CDN series (Brother MFC-L3730CDN series)" -> "Continue".
Then, the "Connection:"-field was pre-filled with garbage, e.g. currently "�zc". Screenshot:
The unicode-garbage is different at each invocation. And it also appears when I want to add an USB printer.
Note that in the /var/log/cups/error_log the URI seems to be logged correctly:D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [CGI] admin.cgi started...
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients"
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [Client 8] Server address is "/run/cups/cups.sock".
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [Client 8] Accepted from localhost (Domain)
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [Client 8] Waiting for request.
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [CGI] http=0x5637a9ce5d10
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION=\"admin\"
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REFRESH_PAGE=\"\"
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [CGI] org.cups.sid cookie is \"e4bf2e4626104fc15c045c706dbabd0b\"
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: org.cups.sid=\"e4bf2e4626104fc15c045c706dbabd0b\"
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: OP=\"add-printer\"
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEVICE_URI=\"dnssd://Brother%20MFC-L3730CDN%20series._ipp._tcp.local/?uuid=e3248000-80ce-11db-8000-b42200b6fcb8|Brother MFC-L3730CDN series\"
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [CGI] op=\"add-printer\"...
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [CGI] do_am_printer: DEVICE_URI=\"dnssd://Brother%20MFC-L3730CDN%20series._ipp._tcp.local/?uuid=e3248000-80ce-11db-8000-b42200b6fcb8|Brother MFC-L3730CDN series\"
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CURRENT_MAKE=\"Brother\"
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CURRENT_MAKE_AND_MODEL=\"Brother MFC-L3730CDN series\"
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRINTER_INFO=\"Brother MFC-L3730CDN series\"
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TEMPLATE_NAME=\"Brother_MFC-L3730CDN_series\"
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEVICE_URI=\"dnssd://Brother%20MFC-L3730CDN%20series._ipp._tcp.local/?uuid=e3248000-80ce-11db-8000-b42200b6fcb8\"
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TITLE=\"Add Printer\"
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\"
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"root\"
D [11/Jul/2024:16:18:13 +0200] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.10\"
Does anyone else has this? Is this Arch/ Artix specific, or a CUPS issue, or something else?
I also attach the logfiles that cupsd has created, as well as the /etc/cups/cupsd.conf and /etc/cups/printers.conf, with sensitive information (hostname, username, printer names) censored (replaced with string "[censored]").