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Topic: qbittorrent slow to start even with experimental sqlite option 1300 torrents  (Read 493 times) previous topic - next topic
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qbittorrent slow to start even with experimental sqlite option 1300 torrents

I heard reducing number of tracks to 1 good one per torrent helps?
I run 999 i/o threads as this keeps my upload mb/s maxxed.... I have 8 core i7.  When I reduce to 8 for example sometime supload is not full bandwidth.
In last month starting is slow too.
Even with high load avg the desktop remains responsive.  
I tried i/o schedulers on my os disk ssd and 5t usb3 external drive where the torrents sit.
Not much difference so I am tempted to leave it as none.
Any ideas on howto speed up the startup of qbittorrent?  Takes about 60min I think didn't measure precisely.
Few months ago would startup in 1-2min max.

Re: qbittorrent slow to start even with experimental sqlite option 1300 torrents

Reply #1
A few months ago with the 1-2min start did you have 1300 torrents ?

If yes then you could switch to the older version. You will probably have to build the older version locally so it works with the currently installed QT libraries.

If no you may have just exceeded qbittorrent's capabilities ? It doesn't handle huge numbers of torrents very well in my experience.
rtorrent + rutorrent is a better choice for huge numbers of torrents.

Re: qbittorrent slow to start even with experimental sqlite option 1300 torrents

Reply #2
Appimages for older qbittorrent are here so you can try to run them without having to rebuild.

Try to check the filesystem the torrents are on, maybe also defrag if on hdd, the io accesses in qbittorrent are indeed throwy but should't be that slow(er than before).
Sqlite option i don't know why they are still calling it experimental since it's more reliable than older fastresume method, stick with it. Maybe also check if there are still .fastresume files and delete them (with backup first), this can maybe slow it down too.


Re: qbittorrent slow to start even with experimental sqlite option 1300 torrents

Reply #3
Appimages for older qbittorrent are here so you can try to run them without having to rebuild.

Try to check the filesystem the torrents are on, maybe also defrag if on hdd, the io accesses in qbittorrent are indeed throwy but should't be that slow(er than before).
Sqlite option i don't know why they are still calling it experimental since it's more reliable than older fastresume method, stick with it. Maybe also check if there are still .fastresume files and delete them (with backup first), this can maybe slow it down too.

getting id of fastresume files worked!