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Topic: New pacman version update breaks older pacman version required by libpamac-aur (Read 625 times) previous topic - next topic
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New pacman version update breaks older pacman version required by libpamac-aur

This issue is not letting me to do commands such as
Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -Syu
Code: [Select]
yay -Syu

Code: [Select]
miguelartix:[miguel]:~$ sudo pacman -Syu
[sudo] senha para miguel:
:: Sincronizando a base de dados de pacotes...
 system está atualizado
 world está atualizado
 galaxy está atualizado
 lib32 está atualizado
 extra está atualizado
 multilib está atualizado
:: Iniciando atualização completa do sistema...
resolvendo dependências...
procurando pacotes conflitantes...
erro: falha ao preparar a transação (não foi possível satisfazer as dependências)
:: a instalação de pacman (7.0.0.r3.g7736133-1) quebra a dependência "" necessária por libpamac-aur
:: a instalação de pacman (7.0.0.r3.g7736133-1) quebra a dependência "pacman<6.2" necessária por libpamac-aur

Re: New pacman version update breaks older pacman version required by libpamac-aur

Reply #1
If you are handy with AUR utilities from terminal, seeing you used yay (there is also paru, yaourt/ix, and a new tool called aura which is easier to use), then i don't see any use for pamac-aur gui manager anymore...

Re: New pacman version update breaks older pacman version required by libpamac-aur

Reply #2
Had the same error. I removed libpamac and all was good to go again.
As mentioned, I'll either grab something from the AUR (the arch way) or will use paru (not often enough to know if removing libpamac has any adverse affect).

It's just safer (overall and generically speaking) not to use the AUR.

Re: New pacman version update breaks older pacman version required by libpamac-aur

Reply #3
Anything in AUR that depends on a library will need to be manually rebuilt if said library gets a major version update like pacman just did. It's just how dynamic linking works on linux.

Re: New pacman version update breaks older pacman version required by libpamac-aur

Reply #4
So, I managed to solve the problem by removing pamac-aur and rebuilding yay from source.

Re: New pacman version update breaks older pacman version required by libpamac-aur

Reply #5
Yeah, this is the typical Linux experience where updating one package breaks another!
Anyway, you can properly fix this issue by git cloning and then recompiling yay. You can use the following set of commands:
Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel && git clone && cd yay && makepkg -si
Rant: You know, problems like this always remind me of this video of Linus Torvalds talking at DebConf 14:
Most people don't use Linux because they find it difficult to use. I find Linux easy to use but don't daily drive it because my favorite distro doesn't work well on my existing hardware. :-(