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Topic: Jami Desktop - HELP (Read 263 times) previous topic - next topic
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Jami Desktop - HELP

Hi, I need a help cause I tried, but I'm not able to find a solution, if a solution exist. The question is simple: I'm trying to install the desktop version of Jami, but every time that I try to compile it from the git, the daemon and the gui (jami-qt5-git), I've always the same error: DhtNet not found. I tried to find this DhtNet, but I wasn't able to find it.

Somebody know what is this f......g DhtNet? :-) :-) :-)

Thank you in advance for every help.

Re: Jami Desktop - HELP

Reply #1
I doscover where is this lib DhtNet, an internal Jami project lib. I tried to compile it but... other internal lib are required and is not clear where are.
People managing this project have some logical problems... :-) :-)

Re: Jami Desktop - HELP

Reply #2
If you installed the Arch Linux repo helpers from the Artix repo, there is jami-qt in the Extra repo for Arch Linux.
You shouldn't have an issue install it.