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Topic: nvidia-dkms PKGBUILD/sources? (Read 271 times) previous topic - next topic
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nvidia-dkms PKGBUILD/sources?

Hi all,
I cannot find the PKGBUILD and other source files for the nvidia-dkms package on
Are they not available or am I looking in the wrong place?

Re: nvidia-dkms PKGBUILD/sources?

Reply #2
Other ways to get what is called the 'pkgbase' for a 'split package' include:

Install expac and  use its %e option
Code: [Select]
$ expac %e amd-ucode

Look it up in the local database
Code: [Select]
$ cat /var/lib/pacman/local/amd-ucode-*/desc | grep -A 1 %BASE%

I've never quite understood why pacman -Qii doesn't show this detail ?

Re: nvidia-dkms PKGBUILD/sources?

Reply #3
You can put this in your ~/.bash_rc as an alias or make a script:
Code: [Select]
pacman-source() (
  git clone$1
Then "pacman-source <package>" that may not work for a few that have a different name.
This was said by gripped somewhere.