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Topic: Blender not launching (Read 893 times) previous topic - next topic
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Blender not launching

Recently, I tried opening blender after not using it for about a month. When I do it from dmenu, nothing happens. I then tried to launch it from the command line, and I got this:
Code: [Select]
blender: symbol lookup error: blender: undefined symbol: _ZN3tbb6detail2r127get_thread_reference_vertexEPNS0_2d126wait_tree_vertex_interfaceE
I tried doing things such as downgrading different blender dependencies, but that did not do anything (I set every every dependency I downgraded back to normal after). Do you people have any idea of how I should go about this?


Re: Blender not launching

Reply #1
blender 17:4.3.0-2 fixes this. Thanks for reporting