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Artix - Runit - XDM

Hi There.

I wonder if some of you fine folk may be able to help me addressing an issue I'm experiencing (full disclosure: as a result of a lack of knowledge on my part).

Having dabbled previously with Void and currently running Artix OpenRC (no reflection on Void..), I decided to replicate the steps I took in installing it, add a little of what I'd gleamed while using Void (hence the reference), and effectively migrate to Artix + Runit (+ LXDM/Cinnamon).

I followed the same approach I took previously by performing a hasty installation c/o the Live session installing the default SDDM + LXQT, then set about removing both of these and installing LXDM + Cinnamon. The issue I have encountered is the same as that which I encountered when I did the same with the OpenRC install.. no boot to the Desktop and for the life of me I can't remember exactly the steps I took to rectify things, and couldn't determine a solution via the Forum posts..

I recall prior to rebooting, having swapped out the DM/DE from tty1, I had to remove and reassign the Symlink (in Void) but having tried that taking into account Artix's not being at /var/service, and having also followed another scrap concerning creating 'add xdm default' and setting DISPLAYMANAGER = to "lxdm" I'm still floundering.

Has anyone any similar experience to this when not installing the traditional way and trying to cut corners having used the LXQT installer...?  :)  I should add that I can only recall now - being back on my working system, that the boot halted just after WPA Supplicant was evidently about to be initiated if that helps whatsoever (sorry).

Many Thanks


Re: Artix - Runit - XDM

Reply #1
Since the topic is "Artix - runit" and you've mentioned LXDM, have you installed lxdm-runit?

Re: Artix - Runit - XDM

Reply #2
Thanks for the heads up.. Honestly I had not. Most of my shameful shortcutting in this exercise mirrored what I had figured out - with others help admittedly, after previously installing (without incident!) and running Void.

I will carve some time and try once again, appreciating now that lxdm-runit exists which I've been hitherto oblivious to.

Many thanks again.


Re: Artix - Runit - XDM

Reply #3
Hello again,

Further to my last post I once again performed a risk install of Artix Runit c/o the Live medium and set about the aforementioned, this time installing lxdm-runit instead of lxdm as on previous attempts.

Having swapped out the DE/DM via Pacman I then conjured:

sudo rm /run/runit/service/sddm
sudo ln -s /etc/runit/sv/lxdm /run/runit/service

I skipped the previous attempt to create/edit xdm as was unclear as to whether doing so was specific to open.rc as this featured in the command I'd blundered on previously and honestly can't recall whether this was even required..

Regardless, on initial reboot I once more got as far as WPA Supplicant initiating at which point runit chokes and nothing else occurs.

I imagine I'm clearly missing something obvious here and potentially making things more complicated/worse than need be so if anyone could give me a steer I'd be grateful.



Re: Artix - Runit - XDM

Reply #4
This sounds like two separate issues.  The lxdm, lxdm-runit, and runit service being enabled seems correct.  Your problem is booting, since you are saying it chokes at wpa-supplicant.  First of all do you have wifi and is this what you rely on for an internet/network connection?
You don't have to install and reinstall even if you are having a booting problem.  You can chroot to the installation from live.
First you have to know the partition you have installed at, something like /dev/sda3.  As root:
Code: [Select]
#  mount /dev/sda3 /mnt
# artools-chroot /mnt
# pacman -Qs lxdm
# pacman -Qs wpa
You should have both lxdm and lxdm-runit (which you do if you linked lxdm service to run) and the same for
wpa_supplicant and wpa_supplicant-runit

Now, when an interface is not being responsive the init system may delay for it to respond but in most cases I think it will move on reporting an error.   A minute or a little more. Are you patient?  When you are booting with the live image is wifi working for you?  If you don't use wifi, and it is just installed you can remove it and diagnose the problem later.  While on chroot remove wpa-supp****  pkgs.
What are the last errors/warning you read while it is trying to boot when it stops?

Re: Artix - Runit - XDM

Reply #5
Hi There,

Thanks for the insight, most helpful.. However as the Soup Metaphor decrees, the plot thickens..

I haven't resorted to chroot'ing to the installed system to probe further on previous occasions principally due to a) not wanting to be without a running system for too long and b) recognising I had reached the apex of my abilities in being unable to determine the cause though thank you again for suggesting it.

Anyway, continuing in the vein of the unreliable narrator I have just while time permitted had another crack. Followed the same thoughtful, logical path as previous with one exception (inconsistent and unreliable..!), I installed lightdm as opposed to lxdm as this ultimately was my first choice and worked ok in my open.rc install, lxdm was installed by default in Void so initially considered this a saner default for my humble requirements..

Anyway, one thing I did note which mirrored what occurred last time was, having installed DM/DE, the very instant I then enter:

sudo rm /run/runit/service/sddm

Before I get a chance to enter the follow up to symlink to lxdm/lightdm, I receive a good perhaps dozen lines of text all concerning - in laymans parlance, a loss of network connectivity (apologies I didn't try and grab this, I recognise this sheds zero light on what is at play here...). The substance of the message was the same if not the text itself was the same after I installed lightdm this time and resulted in the same hang on the following boot.. which did ultimately follow through to delivering further text as suggested might be the case.

Sorry I didn't make the time to accurately record what in fact is displayed but if the network prob arising the instance sddm is unregistered is at all significant welcome any further insights.. wondering regardless whether should have unregistered before uninstalling this maybe..?



Re: Artix - Runit - XDM

Reply #6
If you don't use sddm, make sure the DM's pam file thas this line in it:


Code: [Select]
session         optional

The Pam default for DMs from arch repos, ie systemd:

Code: [Select]
session         optional

Re: Artix - Runit - XDM

Reply #7
I've just installed once more this time adopting a slightly more measured approach.. Installing Cinnamon whilst lxqt was running and then logging out/into Cinnamon for starters.. So far so good.

Next, logged out and from tty2 installed gnome-terminal and gedit then rebooted. Once back in cinnamon, removed sddm and installed lxdm (back to that again..). I then entered - sudo rm /run/runit/service/sddm and was thrown out.

I rebooted and from tty2 logged in and sudo nano'd into lxdm under pam.d and entered the provided code on the last line (right after -session optional gnome-keyring.. if memory serves) before saving, exiting and then entering the remaining to establish the symlink for lxdm.

On rebooting back to square one however unfortunately, choking at the/just after wpa supplicant indicated as started. Sorry.

Re: Artix - Runit - XDM

Reply #8
Lxdm is from arch repo, we basically don't have a gtk based DM is our repo currently that is elogind ready.
Best chance is perhaps lightdm, I wouldn't use lxdm, it often  proves as cumbersome as slim.

Re: Artix - Runit - XDM

Reply #9
I can confirm lightdm works almost out-of-the-box. Only change needed is in /etc/pam.d/lightdm-greeter:
Code: [Select]
lightdm-greeter:session   optional
instead of
Code: [Select]
lightdm-greeter:session   optional

Re: Artix - Runit - XDM

Reply #10
I've just installed once more this time adopting a slightly more measured approach.. Installing Cinnamon whilst lxqt was running and then logging out/into Cinnamon for starters.. So far so good.

Next, logged out and from tty2 installed gnome-terminal and gedit then rebooted. Once back in cinnamon, removed sddm and installed lxdm (back to that again..). I then entered - sudo rm /run/runit/service/sddm and was thrown out.

I rebooted and from tty2 logged in and sudo nano'd into lxdm under pam.d and entered the provided code on the last line (right after -session optional gnome-keyring.. if memory serves) before saving, exiting and then entering the remaining to establish the symlink for lxdm.

On rebooting back to square one however unfortunately, choking at the/just after wpa supplicant indicated as started. Sorry.
I pursued a similar methodology I took beforehand by playing out a rushed establishment c/o the Live session introducing the default SDDM + LXQT, at that point start expelling both of these and introducing LXDM + Cinnamon. The issue I have experienced is equivalent to that which I experienced when I did likewise with the OpenRC introduce.. no boot to the Desktop and for the life of me I can't recollect precisely the means I took to redress things, and couldn't decide an answer through the Forum posts..

Re: Artix - Runit - XDM

Reply #11
There are sddm-runit and lxdm-runit, you install the script, link the service script to /run.... and it starts, just not have both together :)

As soon as you hit enter from the console linking the service you are taken to the dm's login screen.