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Topic: libsystemd-dummy does not provide all include file (dummies). (Read 1006 times) previous topic - next topic
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libsystemd-dummy does not provide all include file (dummies).

First, many thanks (again) for the people making this Artix-thing working.

For your information:

It seems that the Artix packages systemd-dummy and libsystemd-dummy are not a sufficient drop-in replacement to make software requiring systemd present to work.

In this case it is a compile issue:

The AUR-package fusedav-git requires systemd. First I had to manually specify where it finds systemd libs and include dirs since pkg-config --libs libsystemd does not work.

After doing so, compilation fails with

Code: [Select]
log.h:21:10: fatal error: systemd/sd-journal.h: No such file or directory

Searching on my system, there is no file sd-journal.h.

Any suggestion? Could it be integrated in libsystemd-dummy, or should I try to get the include files from the proper systemd-sources?

First, since libsystemd-dummy states that it provides libsystemd, I assumed drop-in replacement (not functionality-wise, but to make any software think the functionality is there), and it also formally satisfies the dependencies and makedependencies on libsystemd (which made me assume that also builds will succeed).



Re: libsystemd-dummy does not provide all include file (dummies).

Reply #1
You should file a feature request upstream, so journald  can be disabled with configure args.

the systemd dummy packages do not include headers, they are no drop in replacement, they just exist to have a compatibility with binary arch packages that are compiled with systemd features.