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Topic: Please fix: Current gvim relies on old python 3.12 (Read 139 times) previous topic - next topic
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Please fix: Current gvim relies on old python 3.12

Both packages are installed from the artix repos, these are the outputs from `pacman -Ss '^python$'` and `pacman -Ss '^gvim$'`
system/python 3.13.1-1 [installed]
    The Python programming language

world/gvim 9.1.0785-1 [installed]
    Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor (with
    advanced features, such as a GUI)
extra/gvim 9.1.0954-1 [installed: 9.1.0785-1]
    Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor (with
    advanced features, such as a GUI)
Just to be safe i uninstalled and reinstalled the world/gvim and vim-runtime packages.
But when I run vim I can try running the :python command, and get this output:
E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version
This then causes breakage in any and all plugins which rely on python.
For example, running UltiSnips gives me the following errors
Error detected while processing TextChangedI Autocommands for "*"..script /home/kappa/.vim/p
lugged/ultisnips/autoload/UltiSnips.vim:                                                    line   10:
E370: Could not load library cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory
Press ENTER or type command to continue
These come flying upon every keystroke in insert mode, making the use of vim impossible, the current workaround is disabling a couple of plugins which rely on python extensively.


Re: Please fix: Current gvim relies on old python 3.12

Reply #1
Thx for reporting; problem has been fixed and after the mirrors have synced the new version of vim/gvim should be available.

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