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Topic: Show Your Screenshots Here (Read 68050 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Show Your Screenshots Here

Reply #135
Reporting in!

Artix Linux with OpenRC for system services and Dinit for user services.
Using KDE Plasma 5.24 with Lightly Qt5 theme/window decorations and Papirus Icons.

The music + lyrics widget on the bottom right corner is `sunamu` (from AUR).
The dock is Latte.
The color scheme was generated via Pywal.

Window tiling is provided by Bismuth.

Re: Show Your Screenshots Here

Reply #138
@nous We discussed of this on the Telegram group, but basically Dinit can be instructed to start at user login:

Code: [Select]
dinit --user --services-dir $HOME/.config/dinit.d​

Of course it will look for a boot service, so I provide just that:

Code: [Select]
type = scripted 
waits-for.d = /home/naomi/.config/dinit.d/boot.d
command = /usr/bin/true

And then I symlink my other user services into the boot.d folder and that's it really

Re: Show Your Screenshots Here

Reply #139
Dwm, st, etc.  :P 

Re: Show Your Screenshots Here

Reply #140
i3-3210 / 10GB / VGA Intel HD 2500 / SSD 240GB /  / Kernel 6.6.32 / KDE 5.116 / Plasma 5.27.11 / Ungoogled-Chromium

Re: Show Your Screenshots Here

Reply #141
i3-3210 / 10GB / VGA Intel HD 2500 / SSD 240GB /  / Kernel 6.6.32 / KDE 5.116 / Plasma 5.27.11 / Ungoogled-Chromium

Re: Show Your Screenshots Here

Reply #142
A modern desktop with less then 130 MB (no polkit, no DM), thanks to:
dinit, openbox, tint2, picom, dunst,  t2ec tint2 executors, jgmenu, obmenu-generator, rofi adi109x themes,, Arcolinux and Betterlockscreen and i3lock-color, kickshaw, skippy-xd, obshutdown, and my DIY Poor Man wallpaper changer (PMwc) featuring fixed, random rotating, bing, unsplash wallpapers, built on top of Ignorantguru's spacefm dialog feature and some bash glue. All packages (except for PMwc) are in Artix/Arch repos or Aur.
Not showed in screenshots:
Volume control with t2ec executor mouse wheel scrolling and dunst notification with
Battery status with t2ec executor and dunst notification with

Not too much time on your hands :)

Re: Show Your Screenshots Here

Reply #143
Reporting in!

Artix Linux with OpenRC for system services and Dinit for user services.
Using KDE Plasma 5.24 with Lightly Qt5 theme/window decorations and Papirus Icons.

The music + lyrics widget on the bottom right corner is `sunamu` (from AUR).
The dock is Latte.
The color scheme was generated via Pywal.

Window tiling is provided by Bismuth.

Tell me more about diniit?

Re: Show Your Screenshots Here

Reply #144
Hey everyone! New here. Been using Arch since 2004, have been trying out Artix a little bit. Here is my Artix i3. About the same setup I Use on Arch, ArchLabs, and Void.


Re: Show Your Screenshots Here dinit mate

Reply #146
still setting it up.  i took a fairly long break from using computers at all.  i bought a very old used minix usff nuc looking kinda thing that has a pentium processor and ddr3 ram.  i had 16 gb laying around in a plastic cup of misc parts.  It's enough for typing i guess but not for gaming so that suits me well.  the world has moved on to ddr5 rams?