rhoyerboat has issues (FIXES FOR THINGS I MAY HAVE BROKEN MYSELF) 14 January 2019, 04:37:10 Hi All - Love the distro in concept .. thinking ill be a regular here. Just wanting to start a list of the problems I am encountering and how im fixing them for myself. Why do this? I am not sure what the artix way is supposed to be exactly, like where there was a bluez-openrc package that contained the openrc script for bluetooth, whereas in arch whatever placed it into the systemd load chain had come from bluez-utils-compat or whatever. I am assuming there must also be a bluez-sysvinit or whatever on Artix but I am not looking because as of this second.. I am going to work on alsa.Had some PGP key issues before going for gimp and alsa, but I got them worked out after finding the troubleshooting doc that handled PGP key issues. Of course, this is where the post title comes from, in following the fix, I did something out of order, wound up with some problem that I won't be able to replicate, this leading me to take a step someone else might not have to take. I'm going to reserve a few posts cause in general, I create a lot of problems for myself. Background of me .. Normally a gentoo guy, still prefer it for my servers. Used to maintain one for my laptop including virtualization and gaming which sometimes got a bit hairy. I broke it badly on a bad day. I knew systemd was fucked from the first time I saw it. But I really needed to be back at work, so I got an ubuntu ISO and .. well w/e. When the vulnerabilities hit mainstream news the other day and it passed from 'yeah we know this is fucked,' to 'now the scriptkiddies know,' I figured I'd just get on another distro for day to day use. Nice to meetch'ya. Last Edit: 14 January 2019, 20:07:51 by rhoyerboat
Re: rhoyerboat has issues (FIXES FOR THINGS I MAY HAVE BROKEN MYSELF) Reply #1 – 14 January 2019, 04:43:37 issue 1:no startup script for bluetooth after running pacman -S bluez bluez-utils bluez-utils-compatsolve 1:pacman -S bluez-openrcissue 2: readline.so.7 not found when running pacman -S readline to resolve libreadline.so.8 not found issue in pacman-key --initsolve 2:assume backwards compatibility because some arch post showed readline-7/6 to be backwards compatible create link from /usr/lib/libreadline.so.8.0 to /usr/lib/libreadline.so.7.0 and /usr/lib/libreadline.so.7 (because all the other libraries are linked the same way,)issue3: various missing libraries between me and running qemu/libvirt/virt-managersolve3: installed at least these if i havent spaced anything: boost-libs, firewalld, (handcopy firewalld openrc from AUR), dnsmasq, qemu-block-rbd, libidn2, issue4: installation of libidn2 in last step breaks pacman with:pacman -Q python2-cygvirtmodpacman: error while loading shared libraries: libidn2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directorysolve4: just created a link again. thats why im taking notes here, to revisit this later after things are operational enough to go about my business.ln -T /usr/lib/libidn2.so /usr/lib/libidn2.so.0 Last Edit: 18 January 2019, 05:41:10 by rhoyerboat
Re: rhoyerboat has issues (FIXES FOR THINGS I MAY HAVE BROKEN MYSELF) Reply #2 – 14 January 2019, 04:47:27 /* reserved */
Re: rhoyerboat has issues (FIXES FOR THINGS I MAY HAVE BROKEN MYSELF) Reply #3 – 14 January 2019, 04:51:06 /* reserved */
Re: rhoyerboat has issues (FIXES FOR THINGS I MAY HAVE BROKEN MYSELF) Reply #4 – 14 January 2019, 04:53:15 /* reserved */