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Topic: Error loading key mappings (Read 1614 times) previous topic - next topic
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Error loading key mappings

I am not sure if this is related to an update i did a few days ago but i just noticed this in the rc.log and my other computer that runs the same version of artix openrc has the same error, only now on my laptop startx fails whereas on the desktop startx is unaffected? Ill post the xorg log when i am back on the laptop. But just wondering what is going on here?

Code: [Select]
* Loading key mappings [au] ...
cannot open file au
 * Error loading key mappings
 [ !! ]
 * ERROR: keymaps failed to start

should etc/vconsole.conf have the below setting? Im Australia so i gather it should be correct.

Code: [Select]

calamares set this in /etc/locale.conf when i installed.

Code: [Select]
# Locales enabled by Calamares
en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
en_AU.UTF-8 UTF-8

Re: Error loading key mappings

Reply #1
You put wrong line in /etc/vconsole.conf


Code: [Select]

Re: Error loading key mappings

Reply #2
You put wrong line in /etc/vconsole.conf


Code: [Select]

This is very strange, i have not ever touched this file. But the error message is gone and I am about to see if startx will work again on the laptop.


Re: Error loading key mappings

Reply #3
I managed to figure out what was wrong with startx.

I run dwm so i have two scripts being called from .xinitrc, which starts programs, conky, compton etc  and then which is like a restart in place for dwm so you dont get logged out of the session, this is because when you reconfigure config.h in dwm you need to make install and restart the session for it to be effective, so i was calling it wrong in .xinitrc.

instead of ...

exec &
exec &

it should have read

exec &

calling that second ampersand did it. I feel dumb....

Thanks for solving my initial issue artoo.