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Topic: SDDM broken after update to double-conversion (Read 1125 times) previous topic - next topic
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SDDM broken after update to double-conversion

An update to the double-conversion package has broken SDDM, and won't let it start. I was able to figure this out thanks to user haZ- on the IRC.

A quick and dirty solution is to symlink:

Code: [Select]
sudo ln -s -T /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

Please remember to remove it once SDDM is updated.

Re: SDDM broken after update to double-conversion

Reply #1

you should mention that the consequence of the failure start of the sddm daemon is a system that can't start a X11 session.
You end up on a text console login prompt.

And the way to diagnose the problem is:
Code: [Select]
After login as user at the text console.

This is a major fuckup.
The majority of Artix user will not be able to read this post in text mode.
And the subject of this post gives no connection to a broken X11 for the average user. Also bad.
The Artix maintainers should make a double-conversion-3.1.2-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz package (with the symlink) to give the average user a better chance to recover  from this fuckup with pacman -Syu.

Re: SDDM broken after update to double-conversion

Reply #2
I just reported the same (I think) for virtualbox
% pacman -Ss double-conversion
world/double-conversion 3.1.2-1 [installed]

I applied the same fix as mentioned above and virtualbox worked, but I know @artoo hates it when we do such things :)

The package creates /usr/lib/ and /usr/lib/ links but not /usr/lib/

Re: SDDM broken after update to double-conversion

Reply #3
hmm.. I just switched the DISPLAYMANAGER in /etc/conf.d/xdm from "sddm" to "xdm" and all is good.

I had to stop the crashed xdm service as listed with  "rc-status" and then restart it. The greeter started right up.

This is with the newer double-conversion 3.1.2-1 in place. Tried to downgrade but that didn't work.

I have logged out and in and it's working . Switched from XFCE to LXQT desktop and back still works. I have not rebooted.


Re: SDDM broken after update to double-conversion

Reply #4
double-conversion broke qt5-base, what is now fixed in  qt5-base-5.12.1-2.1-x86_64. after update should all again work.

sddm depends on qt5-base