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Topic: [SOLVED]make network manager wait for login to finish (Read 1126 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED]make network manager wait for login to finish

Is it possible to put a wait value on the starting of network manager?

Looking at /etc/init.d/NetworkManager but not sure if I can just put say a:

Code: [Select]
wait 5

in this line:

Code: [Select]
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /run/NetworkManager/ \
                --exec /usr/bin/NetworkManager -- --pid-file /run/NetworkManager/

or if that is a sane place to aim for?

I have #$@! realtek wireless and it seems that if I dont log  in fast enough it goes in to a fidget loop with network manager refusing the auth. Killing the adapter and refreshing via airplane icon solved it each time. Thinking that a wait time would fix but open to ideas?

Re: make network manager wait for login to finish

Reply #1
It's just a script. You can absolutely put  a "sleep 5" (the command you're thinking of is called "sleep" not wait") line in there or any other common shell commands for that matter. Not sure if there's a more elegant solution to your problem though.

Re: make network manager wait for login to finish

Reply #2
Thank you for your correction. Added sleep 5 && after exec  and it works however I see what you are saying.  If not for the pid scripted involvement I would think that killing the permissions on that file and autostarting NM from within KDE when it loads would be more actual to environment. Both have drawbacks. Marking as solved but feel free to add if a better solution presents. Thank you!


Re: [SOLVED]make network manager wait for login to finish

Reply #3
This sound like workaround for workaround and is just a way around a true problem.