Applications & Software / Re: experimenting with lxqt 2.1
Last post by Hitman -A note: just run "startlxqtwayland" with something like greetd since it's not only possible now, but also some DM's like sddm with it's default config seem to be buggy with xorg/xwayland, at least i had a weirdness with it.
Kwin_wayland is eating memory for lunch, got to 600 something mb. Labwc sits at around 300 on the main pc with amdgpu, which is still more than a composited xorg session, no idea why it's behaving bloaty with it. On an intel igpu it's just around 100.
Is libsfdo missing from the repos here? i installed it by hand for labwc.
For the sake of reference, the previous thread. Part of the environment and kanshi/config remain good: https://forum.artixlinux.org/index.php/topic,6185.msg38166.html