Artix Linux Forum

General Category => Discussion about Artix => Topic started by: brandflake11 on 09 June 2020, 22:37:20

Title: [SOLVED] Getting Arch's Linux and Nvidia Drivers
Post by: brandflake11 on 09 June 2020, 22:37:20
Hello all,

Is it possible to get Arch's linux and nvidia packages? If I were to just install these from Arch's repos, would it break the system? I just am not sure if systemd is part of the Arch kernel or not.

Thank you to all. :D
Title: Re: Getting Arch's Linux and Nvidia Drivers
Post by: alium on 10 June 2020, 04:17:10
No, it's not possible. Installation will failed, not because Systemd, but because gcc (archlinux's Kernel need archlinux gcc, so you will break your system). But both are exactly the same in terms of settings and functions.

Why you want do this?
Title: Re: Getting Arch's Linux and Nvidia Drivers
Post by: linuxer on 10 June 2020, 10:13:51
Hello all,

Is it possible to get Arch's linux and nvidia packages? If I were to just install these from Arch's repos, would it break the system? I just am not sure if systemd is part of the Arch kernel or not.

Thank you to all. :D

You do not need any other package(s), usually, than kernel + kernel headers + nvidia-dkms.
Title: Re: Getting Arch's Linux and Nvidia Drivers
Post by: brandflake11 on 10 June 2020, 19:37:49
Thank you for your help. I wanted to know in case I ever need the latest kernel and nvidia driver. I use my computer for research, and sometimes it's nice to have certain hardware additions, or certain graphics features added into the driver. Basically, I like to be on bleeding edge, which is a reason I like Arch, but I don't want systemd. I have seen some threads here that say that Artix runs on a semi-bleeding edge model for the kernel, which I really appreciate as it is way ahead of frozen distros, but I want to have the ability if I ever need it to use as recent of a kernel as possible.

I hope it's okay to ask this here too, but say I wanted to use a linux-rt from the AUR, since that is compiled on my machine's gcc, would that work without breaking my system?
Title: Re: Getting Arch's Linux and Nvidia Drivers
Post by: alium on 10 June 2020, 21:45:35
Yes, that will works normally, self compiled stuff...
 Artix is bleeding edge too, actually we just not update every Linux kernel version, because actually we have low free space on our server.
If you like fresh bleed-edge kernel,  try use Linux-zen kernel, it is on 99,9% up-to-date 😄.

Code: [Select]
pacman - S linux-zen linux-zen-headers
Title: Re: Getting Arch's Linux and Nvidia Drivers
Post by: brandflake11 on 10 June 2020, 22:41:40
Thanks @alium for the suggestion and help. I may try linux-zen, as I've heard it may bring improvements for desktop linux.

Also, just curious and sorry if this is an uninformed question, if linux-zen is taken from Arch Linux's [extra] repo precompiled, why doesn't that break the system like the standard linux from Arch?
Title: Re: Getting Arch's Linux and Nvidia Drivers
Post by: alium on 10 June 2020, 23:56:01
It will works, because you will not install it from archlinux... we provide it  ;D If you install linux-zen, you will install it from artixlinux.
I am maintainer of linux-zen, I use this kernel too, our zen kernel is identical with archlinux version, but precompiled with our gcc.

The whole point is that the kernel have a new feature where it remembers what gcc was compiled with, and gcc expects it when installing modules. So the archlinux kernel fails to install modules in artix Linux because artix has its own gcc and the archlinux kernel expects a different gcc. If you do not install any modules, the archlinux kernel should work fine.
Title: [Solved] Re: Getting Arch's Linux and Nvidia Drivers
Post by: brandflake11 on 11 June 2020, 00:31:56
Thank you @alium. This answers my questions. I think my main confusion comes from where the packages of Artix comes from, like which comes from Artix and which comes from Arch (if any). I need to do some more reading on the subject, I'll check out the Artix wiki.
Title: Re: Getting Arch's Linux and Nvidia Drivers
Post by: linuxer on 11 June 2020, 16:14:58
Thank you @alium. This answers my questions. I think my main confusion comes from where the packages of Artix comes from, like which comes from Artix and which comes from Arch (if any). I need to do some more reading on the subject, I'll check out the Artix wiki.

Note for linux-zen, nvidia-dkms does not always build against it.
Title: Re: Getting Arch's Linux and Nvidia Drivers
Post by: brandflake11 on 11 June 2020, 21:35:07
That is good to know. Maybe I'll just stay with Artix's default kernel for now, but later I may try something like linux-rt from the AUR for more experimentation.
Title: Re: Getting Arch's Linux and Nvidia Drivers
Post by: SGOrava on 11 June 2020, 21:45:18
You can have more than one kernel, and as long as your hardware can survive it you will be fine.
Title: Re: Getting Arch's Linux and Nvidia Drivers
Post by: alium on 12 June 2020, 00:07:24
That is good to know. Maybe I'll just stay with Artix's default kernel for now, but later I may try something like linux-rt from the AUR for more experimentation.
No need to panic  :D  :D
Title: Re: Getting Arch's Linux and Nvidia Drivers
Post by: brandflake11 on 15 June 2020, 14:41:05

Exactly, that's what I'm trying to avoid!  :D

Thank you for all of your help.