Artix Linux Forum

Init systems => S6 => Topic started by: adcdam on 09 August 2020, 23:46:21

Title: can somene share all the files in /etc/s6?
Post by: adcdam on 09 August 2020, 23:46:21

the files inside this:

thanks a lot!
Title: Re: can somene share all the files in /etc/s6?
Post by: Dudemanguy on 10 August 2020, 04:22:01
What? There's multiple packages that may install packages there and there are potentially different configurations that a user may make. Additionally, something files/directories are created at runtime so sharing it would be meaningless. You're certainly welcome to download various s6 packages (s6, s6-rc, s6-scripts, etc.) and look at the files they contain if it helps you.
Title: Re: can somene share all the files in /etc/s6?
Post by: adcdam on 10 August 2020, 04:35:29
It doesnt matter if there are potentially different configurations i just want to see an example of files , if you are not going to help why do you bother in answering?
Title: Re: can somene share all the files in /etc/s6?
Post by: Dudemanguy on 10 August 2020, 04:52:22
I'm trying to tell you that your request doesn't make any sense. If you just want to see some s6 packages, feel free to browse the git repo (